My fellow Americans, if you had the opportunity to create your own political party, what would it’s ideals be?

  1. Oh my. I wonder if this will be deleted before I finish my response.

    I’ll note mine can seem contradictory if you take them to the end of current political stances, but I’ll just list them out.

    If you had to sum it up, sensible left wing libertarian?

    – All kids should be fed.

    – All sick people should be cared for.

    – Everyone should have access to a education, with work to ensure a HS diploma is sufficient for most jobs.

    – A military that’s strong enough to protect ourselves, but also be a shield and a pillar of stability for our partners.

    – High emphasis on green tech and green tech development. We have a beautiful country, so why not keep it beautiful AND be cutting edge tech leaders for what everyone else will need? I’m for supporting all tech development, but why not be efficient about it, and/or try to prevent environmental issues?

    – I’m not against gun ownership. You can own one if you want. But you sure AF better be insured, and you and all liable parties should be freely sued to purgatory if a gun you own is misused without your permission, and you should be in jail along with whomever committed the crime if it was intentionally used illegally.

    – If it’s between consenting adults, indoors, and doesn’t result in death or permanent injury, knock yourselves out. Figuratively or literally.

    – I only drink, but I’m for the legalization of drugs that are not directly chemically addictive. But if you do something like drive the car under the influence of anything and injure someone, you should go to jail. I’m fine on holding back legalization of drugs until there’s reliable testing that can ensure that people are properly punished if they do something improper while under the influence.

    – The people that benefit the most from our extensive and supportive government should pay the most in taxes. By this, I mean the rich. Rich people indirectly benefit off huge swathes of governmental protections, like workers that can go to work cause their kid is in school, consumers who are alive cause of governmental protections on drugs/transportation/health/environment, and goods that can be readily transported, to international commerce that’s protected by both soft and hard US influence.

    – People should be free to be who they are. I don’t care about your gender or sexuality cause you’re a human and you should be free to be you, and as long as it’s between consenting adults, have fun. Bigamy is a whole mess cause the contractual stuff; I don’t know how to sort that.

    – Religious? Go have fun. Worship in peace. But don’t force anyone else to follow your religion.

    There’s another dozen issues I could slice out, but I think that’s the core points.

  2. Ron Swanson said it best:

    One guy who sits in a room and decides who we nuke.

    That’s it. That’s our government.

  3. Basically, the US green party, but with a greater promotion of feminism, less de-militarization, and a strong emphasis on the value of the skepticism and the value of the scientific method.

  4. A party to both please and annoy nearly everyone!

    – invest heavily in public transport and making cities more walkable and cyclable. Build a large and long cycling network like Germany and France have

    – Make housing more affordable by encouraging cities to build up. More skyscrapers and mid rises.

    – Universal health care based on the German or Swiss model.

    – COVID is over. Never should have been restriction, won’t be anymore. Public health failed so badly they don’t deserve funding, so defund the CDC and tell Americans the FDA is a subsidiary of big pharma.

    – Legal abortion for the first 6 months, only exceptions for medical emergencies after that.

    – legalize weed.

    – reduce overseas military commitments and stop overthrowing governments and starting wars and proxy wars. Overthrown the Justin Trudeau’s government and install the Rhinoceros party in power.

    – downsize or eliminate many Federal agencies, including DHS, DoE, CIA, ATF and FBI.

    – ban public sector unions and end qualified immunity

    – remove speed limits on the interstates

  5. here’s a few:
    – repeal 2A
    – everyone has the right to food, water, healthcare and housing
    – cut the military’s spending in half (use that $$ for public funding, including healthcare and infrastructure, we don’t have to be #1 in military)
    – cease all military operations abroad, attempt to mend fences with every other nation
    – automatic life imprisonment (and potential death sentence) for: deg 1, 2 murder, rape/sexual abuse, DUI resulting in death, terrorism
    – establish proper care programs for veterans with PTSD
    – double taxes for the 1% (triple for .01%)
    – legalize marijuana federally (21+)
    – raise the age of majority to 21 federally (23 to serve in the military)
    – price cap on public universities: $20,000 OST maximum ($5,000 IST maximum)
    – outlaw all student loans — make all student debt illegal (if you cannot pay for college, too bad)
    – gender hormone therapy min age: 15. affirming surgery min age: 21
    – don’t make Americans abroad file tax reports
    – practice any religion you want, but the US shall be a secular state (scientology tho is a cult, not a religion)
    – eliminate sales taxes, establish a VAT system federally
    – 3 terms max on House members, 1 term max on Senate
    – make more cities walkable
    – open the borders a little more
    – pro-fracking (if the oil is actually used properly unlike Nigeria)
    – codify Roe v Wade
    – repeal 20A, move all inaugurations much closer to after the election
    – merge DC into Maryland (MD gets 3 more electoral votes, requires repealing 23A)
    – outlaw gerrymandering, senate filibustering

  6. I’m generally OK with where the Democratic Party is currently at. I mean, I’m not naïve enough to think that one party is going to give me everything I want, especially when we have a two-party system.

    The ethics that govern my view of policy are those I grew up with. The red letters in the Gospels. Heal the sick, feed the hungry, house the poor, respect God’s earth, etc. So, for that reason, a lot of the [Christian democratic]( parties in Europe resonate with me. But those principles are a matter of philosophy, and they happen to be shared by many others who are not Christian. I wouldn’t like for a party to push one religion or another. That’s antithetical to our country’s whole point of existing.

    One thing that does concern me about the Democratic Party is that they don’t currently seem to have a coherent set of principles (nor do Republicans). How do I know where they’ll be in 10 or 20 years? But they’re certainly more in line with the Gospels than the Republicans are. It’s no coincidence that the [most devoutly Christian president]( in modern history was and remains a Democrat.

    Unrelatedly, I also think that we should enlist policy wonks who have *actual* experience in the realm they’re governing. The HHS secretary should be a public health professional. The Secretary of State should be a career diplomat. The Defense Secretary should be ex-military. The Energy Secretary should be a scientist. The Education Secretary should be (or have been) a licensed public school teacher. Etc.

    TL;DR: Fiscally progressive, socially reasonable, and technocratic.

  7. It would be focused more on the homeland and getting our house in order and less foreign policy. We give billions of aid to these other countries yet you have San Francisco looking like the walking dead with all the junkies and homeless.

    Sure we could stay in NATO but we would pay our fair share instead of float the bill for everyone else. Cut back military ventures overseas, while still building the military.

  8. The needs of the American people come first
    Proper affordable health care
    A solid education system
    More jobs for Americans
    Making sure our men and women in the armed forces are properly compensated for everything that they may do
    Justice and fairness for everyone

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