Imagine the scenario: after long time of “peace” the Europe is once again in war against someone (propably Russia, but it could be even someone else like idk fascist Albania for some reason) and because most European states are in NATO, Usa must join (article 5 and other articles)


after some time (if the enemy is strong) there would be need for additional Drafts.

and now back to you. One day someone knocks on your door and tell you that you can decide: (for some reason)

1. you will be drafted and will fight for countries you have never been in or never heard of it, because they were attacked
2. you will stay and nothing will happen to you (no jail, no hate, nothing)

for me personally if america was attacked and there would be additional draft to help you i would propably go, even though i hate america (no offense) i would go, because if us falls i know that europe will be the next one to fall

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  2. >Imagine the scenario: after long time of “peace” the Europe is once again in war against someone (propably Russia

    If you haven’t checked the news since February of 2022 I have terrible news for you.

  3. Nope. Europe can handle it’s own problems. I’d be fine with support but not boots on the ground.

  4. I’m still on the books of the IRR, so it would be irrelevant to me. I’d already be there by the time the draft would start.

    I signed up originally full well aware of our NATO commitment, so I’d be OK with it, if not thrilled to put on a uniform again and being separated from my family (I was single throughout my active duty career). But I believe in the importance of the NATO alliance and it is worth defending.

  5. No and I doubt the public would be in favor of sending U.S. citizens to fight in a war the U.S. is not involved in

  6. Why should the Americans bail out every European country that has problems. Then they just thumb their noses at us when We need help.

  7. I wouldn’t be willing to be drafted if the US was in a war. I will never be a part of any military.

  8. If it were affect our country in a major way, then yes. However, I would not fight for Europe itself. Especially not for those who say that they hate us like you just did.

  9. I wouldn’t have a choice but no I wouldn’t be happy about fighting for Europe at all.

    The last batch of Americans that went to war in Europe never seem to be given much credit by europeans for anything they did. I’m sure once the Ukraine war is over all of the contributions by the United States will be similarly unappreciated and discredited by Europeans.

    Also I very strongly believe that if America was ever directly attacked a good portion of NATO would simply ignore the agreement and go “oh jeez that stinks. Good luck though” they already ignore their financial obligations. I don’t see why they’d send men if they can’t even be asked to send some cash.

  10. I’m going to give you an orthogonal answer because the question smells bad and your account screams troll.

    1) I don’t think an American draft would be necessary. Russia is the only legitimate threat to speak of, and the way they’re presently conducting themselves indicates that the main problem for us (and the rest of NATO…so like us and the Eastern part of NATO) would be walking the line between defeating them and kicking their asses so badly as to provoke a nuclear response.

    Like…when *”what air defense doing?”* is the meme that best represents your armed forces and you’re going up against the two largest, most advanced and most experienced air forces in the world…you’re gonna have a bad day.

    2) I don’t think “Europe” as such would enter a war at all if we didn’t back them from the start. They were in total Russian appeasement mode until Russia full on invaded Ukraine *and* we made it clear we were going to be supporting Ukraine. Even with that, Western European powers – Germany in particular – have been less materially supportive than they claimed they would be and far less interested in their own rearmament than they pretend to be.

    >even though i hate america

    On behalf of all Americans: if it comes to war, please stay home.

  11. We could neutralize the threat by using air and naval forces. Russia just throwing meat into a blender can only last so long if a real defense/retaliation began. Albania? Lol.

  12. I wouldn’t be fighting for Europe, I’d be fighting for the US in Europe. Y’all can eat it for all I care but Russia needs to be held at bay.

  13. >even though i hate america (no offense)

    Life pro tip, saying “no offense” after an offensive thing does not erase the offensive thing. Especially if the context is “hey, would you protect me if I was in trouble?”

    Like are you a literal child?

    Also we would send our professional military to help you as we are treaty bound to do, which is ultimately better because drafted armies are canon fodder.

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