I have a friend and we workout together 3 times a week, but also on Sunday’s we go do cold plunging and sauna as a group of friends, in the beginning of our friendship we felt close, we hung out so much aside from working out, we would smoke and just chill and talk about emotions, right now we’re both working and focusing on our social media because there is a business endeavor right around the corner but I miss having “intimate” time with him and just sitting down on the couch, or going on nature walks, or having just a meal together (part of this is because my love language is spending quality time) but I’m afraid that if I ask to hangout right now I might come off as needy because we still see each other 4 times a week.

I want an outsiders perspective because if I ask friends about it they have similar thoughts as me.

1 comment
  1. Seems like you want a romantic relationship. It’s time to communicate that ……instead of this friendship thing you keep talking about.

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