I noticed she will go months without texting me or imitating plans and when we do texts she ignores my messages for weeks. She will then pop out of the wood works every 3-6 months asking to hang out. She text me saying ‘I have been meaning to ask you to meet but always in the middle of a task when it would come to mind’. I think this is strange as she is always going out with her other friends and I feel like she only texts me when she is bored. Idk how to tell her that I’m not up for hanging out and if I should continue the friendship maybe I am being a little dramatic

1 comment
  1. You teach people how to treat you, don’t reply next time she texts out of the blue to hang out. You owe her nothing. You could tell her how you feel, but really, what’s the point? It won’t change anything and she already prefaces her out of the blue texts with the reason why it’s okay your last text to her went unanswered for 3-6 months.

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