so basically been dating this girl a few weeks and were kind of in a weird post because of a non important issue. ive asked her on three separate occasions if she wanted to meet up this week and she has completely blown me off or ignored the text (keep in mind were still talking) so when she ignored it today i texted her saying are we really in a bad spor she said yep so then i said so i guess your not really interested in hanging out right now and she turned around and said not the best time i dont like insecure men. am i being insecure or an i completely justified in what i asked due to her blowing me off before this

  1. you are asking her too much. one time thats it bro. if she ignores it then dont ask again. she knows she is your only option bro and she is turned off.

  2. I’m 33F but….I don’t think you are being insecure. You asked her if she wants to hang out, she never gave you an answer. You finally ask for good communication/clarification (don’t ever be afraid to do this, just always do it in a decent, respectful way), and as you yourself said, she turned it around (is gaslighting) to try and make it about you being insecure, and not about her no longer being all that interested or whatever the hell she has going on

  3. Yeah, you’re being super insecure/needy. Asking more than once is self-sabotage.

    Take. A. Fucking. Hint.

    If you need to pester someone to hang out with you or be with you, they’re not interested, and the more you try with women the more needy/desperate you look.

    That said, she was unkind and sounds like a pain in the ass, so whatever….but yes you need to work on your skills here, you’re going to be lonely a lot if you do this habitually.

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