What is the CRAZIEST thing a woman has said/done to you that no one would ever believe happened?

  1. Kept doing things to me during sex that I wasn’t liking and kept telling me to stop complaining and let her “work her magic”. Since it kept hurting me, I ended up having to scream “GET OFF OF ME!” And shove her. My dog was growling after that. She stormed out calling me a pussy and a wimp.

    Oh, and my older sister, in response to learning about my suicide attempts, said I “just want attention” and that I am “weak”, “thin skinned”, and “a pity party”.
    My own flesh and blood…

  2. I had an ex that would physically attack me. Try to fight me, get angry and throw objects at me. She once kicked me in the ribs while I was tying my shoes. She was and still is absolutely nuts.

  3. I don’t think there’s anything too outlandish in what’s been done to me, the shocked responses would come from the fact that I tolerated it for so long.

  4. A woman that I dated a few times said while we were lying in bed “if you would smoke some crack with me, I could trust you more and it would bring us closer.” What the hell!! She found herself outside so fast, I had no idea she was that way.

  5. Once upon a time when I was younger and in much better shape I had a girl I didn’t really know masturbate in her open dorm window while she screamed my at the time nickname

  6. Was dating a divorcee, she was always mum about the divorce. She finally opened up about it, and it was that husband didn’t do enough housework. Said that “the only way I could even get him to help with the kids was when I threatened to throw them down the stairs, and then he’d help for like 2 hours”

    Had a borderline try to kill herself by od’ing on pills when I asked her to move out. 30 days involuntary psych commitment.

  7. I know this woman who had her kids taken from her because she beat them. Unfortunately I knew this woman since I was a child

    This woman use to be friends with my sister and one day she went up to my sister with her 3 year old son at the time in her arms and said to my sister “Watch this” and proceeded to drop her son on the floor and then laughed at him when he was crying in pain. This made my sister tell her not to do that and contact social services on her.

    For some reason after this. She still was able to keep custody of her son until he was rushed to hospital one day with a broken arm which she apparently said was because he fell out of his cot but the poor boy said to the nurses “Mummy did it because I was being naughty”. Social services then went around the house and found a huge pile of dirty dishes and her house in a complete mess (neglect of her sons wellbeing) and also found both her sons (she had 2) with bruises. So she obviously beat them

    Here’s the craziest thing she did. After she had her kids taken away for OBVIOUS REASONS. I for some odd reason still had her in my Facebook friends and she just starting spamming loads of shit about how useless and terrible men are. I remember getting so fed up with it that I replied to one of her hateful “Men are useless” posts by commenting “Says the woman who beat her sons and now the “Useless” father has custody of” which she then replied telling me to go fuck myself and blocked me.

    The irony to call men useless and terrible when you beat your own kids. Fucking bitch. If men are useless and terrible then what is she?

    So now everytime I see a man hating post on reddit. I think of this woman. 🤮

  8. I’ve been solicited for sex in ways that would make hustler readers eyes roll and cause them to say “that’s a fake story.”

  9. Stabbed pencil into my thumb. It broke off in my skin and is still there today.

  10. My long ago ex-girlfriend hid her pregnancy from *everyone*. We were actively dating at the time, and she was this very tall (5’10”) redhead Amazon build so despite being 9 months pregnant it just looked like she gained some weight. She told *no one*.

    I got a call from her roommate that she was in the hospital and I didn’t know I was a father until I turned the corner and saw her in bed surrounded by her family holding my daughter.

    It gets even crazier, but I’m tired right now. I might edit in the morning.

  11. Opposite scenario of they said something that DIDN’T happen.

    My ex told (still tells) people that I raped, abused, stalked, etc etc her.

    She tells these things to mutual friends but also random people that don’t even know me. It’s always incredibly scary to meet someone who “knows” me because they talked to her before in the past.

    It’s incredibly traumatising and she knows this but continues to do it.

  12. A very long time gf who complained I was too cold, I should open up, etc. Well after 16 years we were discussing our lack of sex life. I teared up, not much just tears in my eyes, thinking about all the negative feelings that had built up after 10 years of 100% rejections . She said “Ew, who knew you’d get so emotional in your 40’s”. That’s the last time I’ll show ANY emotion in front of a woman.

    In my early 20’s a gf of 4 years cheated. At least it was the first time I caught her. We broke up. She spent 9 months begging for a second chance. Constantly reaching out, trying to hookup with me, wanting to hang out, etc. I finally caved and tried to be back together. That worked for 3 weeks so I broke up with her again. She went back to begging and wanting to meet up. After a couple weeks I was interested in another woman I’d known a long time. She wanted to meet up one night and talk. So I was sitting in her car talking when she started in on us getting back together. I told her I wasn’t interested and was going to try things with another girl. Without any warning she slapped me hard across the face. I got out of the car and walked away. She proceeded to call and tell me about the 5 guys she banged after we got back together for 3 weeks. She left a lot of deranged messages until I blocked her.

  13. I dated some girl a long time ago. After a few months she said she needed some time, maybe a few months to a year to decide if she wanted to be with me or not. According to her during that time we would not talk or see each other at all, and I was not allowed to date or hook up with other people.

    I said no problem, but I lied. I considered us broken up and continued to see other people. Over a year later she reached out via email and said she was ready to continue with our relationship.
    I had moved to another continent and was already engaged to someone else. She actually acted surprised that I didn’t wait around for her for a year and a half.

  14. it was my first gf and one day she stopped talking to me

    i could not understand why and kept trying to talk to her to know why

    she said: the dick of the guy Im fucking reminds me of yours

    she was a psychopath

  15. I got MeToo’d pre-MeToo because I wouldn’t buy a 17 year old coworker alchohol.

    800 hours of cctv reviewed and multiple witness statements proved me innocent and I still ended up losing my job and circle of friends and having to move town

    And people wonder why men don’t approach women anymore when thats what a false accusation in 2012 does, now we have MeToo hysteria and any dude even saying hello to a woman or offering help is fair game to record and put on tiktok as a predator creep.

  16. A random woman came up and ground on me at a concert at Coyote Joe’s. Apropos of nothing. No comment, no consent, nothing. Never said a word to me. And this was a bony middle aged woman too. She just walked up, ground her ass on me, and walked away. Ew.

  17. I was a waiter one summer in college and got more female attention and legit harassment than I ever had in my entire life. I’d say I’m a fairly good looking guy, but I never really had an insane amount of attention from women… Until I worked there. I don’t know what it was but it was awesome.

    I didn’t really mind almost any of it because it was usually nice and not usually creepy or gross.

    Except one.

    It was a table of three old couples sitting together. I came up and the women were all smiling and giggly, and another thing I forgot to mention, for some reason old women always think I’m very good looking. So I knew what was going on and just took their drink orders while smiling and chatting them up and thinking about getting a big tip afterwards. I went to get their drinks and brought them back and they were all cracking up. I asked what was so funny and after the laughter calmed a bit, one of the men said something along the lines of “she just said that if you keep coming back to our table you’re gonna have to mop up under her seat after”

    Only thing one of the women said that really made me feel gross and weird.

  18. i can’t say, lol, even on a throw away account. It is just too impossible to not blow up.

  19. Here’s an experience that left me truly astounded. It’s a story that’s almost too unbelievable to be true, yet here we are. Brace yourselves.

    In the past, I was involved with a woman who confided in me with a heartbreaking account. She recounted the tragic suicide of her fiancé, recounting in detail how he had taken his own life using a gun in his car. Naturally, my heart went out to her – it was a story of immense pain and loss.

    However, recent events have taken a rather perplexing turn. It has come to light that her fiancé, the one she claimed had passed away, is, in fact, alive and in good health. Yes, you read that correctly. The entire narrative was, to my bewilderment, a fabrication. What strikes me as even more puzzling is her lack of acknowledgement of his “death” anniversary, her apparent avoidance of his grave, and the apparent disregard for checking on his parents.

    Naturally, one might ask, “Did he end the relationship?” Without a doubt. Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, and this situation was anything but transparent.

    Have any of you ever found yourselves grappling with such a bewildering turn of events? Life can certainly present us with the unexpected.

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