So ive had a gf for about 3 years now and its online.. (we see each other every summer winter and etc breaks) she rlly dose make me happy but there’s this girl who recently has made me feel like a whole new person she makes me feel like i have a outside life and i now have a big friend group and recently when around her she makes my stomach spin idk what to do like shes but three years isn’t easy to throw away it makes me sick that im even typing it i want help pls..

Edit: i every time im around one of them i forget the other and when I’m around my gf its like in my head i go omg shes so nice and pretty but when i hang with the friend im like i want more than friends

  1. Ages?? I need context for hormones and general attitudes towards life (I’m guessing young) — if you are young, there are plenty of more fish in the waters.

    move on. Focus on your life or talk to her and see her viewpoint on where to move in your relationship

  2. – Give the new friendship more time to truly analyze and process how you feel.
    – Then, make pros and cons lists for both people/relationships.
    – Then ask yourself what your relationship goals are. Are you ok with being online forever? Do you want this to go to marriage or a long-term partnership? Do you just want something casual with someone that you can be can be physically close to?
    – People grow out if relationships all the time. The only constant is change… So if you feel you will be happier with this new person, you can choose to pursue that. Just know that transitioning from one person to another isn’t always the best decision (if you can’t be alone it’s not a good sign) and if you do choose to transition, it will probably be extremely hurtful to the person you are with now (but that’s life).

    Bottom line: Only you know what you want and care about and only you know whether to stay with who you are now, transition into this new relationship or decide to be single for a bit. Either way, it won’t be easy, but that’s how life is.

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