Lets say you’ve been dating a women for quite some time and she asks you

*do you have an STD?*


*When was the last time you got tested?*

How would you respond


would you agree to get tested


show your last test results

  1. If you are fucking it is her business as well, Tell her the truth and absolutely share any results or information on the subject.

  2. I would answer the question. I went and got tested before I started my current relationship because it’s the smart thing to do and she asked (I always get tested in between partners).

    But, I have never gotten any test results I could show someone. I get a phone call and told I’m clean or I’m not. But I haven’t been tested in a decade so maybe that has changed.

  3. You should lie to her. Tell her you got tested yesterday and you haven’t had sex with anyone since.

    Be honest, obviously.

  4. The question wouldn’t bother me at all, I’d happily answer it.

    My own answer would be 2 months ago when I had my annual physical, and I haven’t hooked up with anyone since.

  5. I’d answer honestly. And I wouldn’t have a problem getting tested and sharing results so long as it wasn’t a one-way street. You show me yours, I’ll show you mine.

  6. I mean I would really respect the fact she is so health conscious and at the same time it signals she is open to having sex with me. If I had been recently tested, I would happily share the results. If not, I’d probably get it done. Seems like the chance of getting laid is real high in this scenario provided you can prove you’re clean.

  7. Wow, I might get laid? Let’s both get tested now, I will pay for everything would be my response.

  8. I would tell her the last time I got tested, and my status.

    I would say that asking “Do you have an STD?” instead of “so when was the last time you were tested?” definitely comes across as more accusatory than inquisitive. Probably don’t ask it that way.

  9. What is this question? You answer yes or no and the date of your test. Even if you’re not raw dogging her, it’s her business.

  10. I think it’s only fair, both people should ask each other for the sake of health. Prioritise your health.

  11. I’d take that as a cue that she’s interested in more than just dinner (either then or at some point in the future) and would answer her questions honestly.

    What else is there to do?

  12. This would come up way earlier, before being intimate for the first time. I would be asking the question in fact, and I would be volunteering the info that I got tested after breaking up with my last ex and haven’t been intimate with anyone since. We’d also discuss things like whether they currently have other sexual partners (if we haven’t talked about exclusivity yet), what intimacy means to them (emotionally) etc.

  13. My response would be, “A month after the last time I had sex.”
    The idea that the question is offensive is ridiculous. I expect her to get tested and share the results with me if we’re going to have sex, and I expect her to want to know my test results. This is just responsible behavior.

  14. ”We could take one toghter(STD test), right now’ Would be my response.

    For me is a green flag.

  15. I’ll agree to a test just so I don’t have to tell them I’ve never gotten laid before and not scare them off for being my first lol

  16. Before my now wife went exclusive, she rather was rather embarrassed to tell me she caught chlamydia. She got that sorted and tested for everything else.

    I took that as my cue to get tested.

    If you can’t have an adult conversation about STD testing, you should perhaps stick to masturbating.

  17. You give her the truthful answers. Red flags are talked about a lot, but this is a massive green flag! It would make me feel better about sleeping with her, knowing she thinks about safe sex.

  18. I have a huge amount of respect for someone who can ask, it means they are good at communicating, confident to ask and like to practice safe sex. Is there any better turn on than that?

    If I’m sexting with someone, I don’t wait for them to ask me. I’ll tell them when I last got tested and offer to provide them with the results if they would like to see them.

    I’m single and fairly active so I like to get tested every 1-2 months.

  19. would you agree to get tested

    I get tested semi-annually (or every 3 month) if I am sexually active.

    show your last test results

    Of course. I have nothing to hide.

    How would you respond

    I got tested on XYZ date, and here are the results.

    Don’t play games with yours or other people’s health.

  20. I would think “awesome. Let’s both get tested and show eachother the results”

    So many men get HPV from women they assume were safe…no assumptions

  21. Obligatory ‘not a man’ – please remember that there is no test for men for HPV, and it’s not included in an STD panel, and nor is HSV. HPV can not only cause warts, some strains can cause cancer of the cervix and vulva in women, the penis in men, and the anus, tongue, and throat in both men and women.

    Be careful out there.

  22. Excellent. Everyone should get tested if the are not celibate…reduce the spread of STDs.

    I prefer these types of women.

  23. I find it very disturbing when people don’t ask these questions, like do you not care about your health or being potentially exposed to an sti ?

  24. Tell her the date of the last test and get tested again if she requests it.

    This is pretty straightforward, anyone having sex outside of a committed long-term partnership should get tested at least annually, and anyone who *used to* have sex outside of a committed long-term partnership should still get tested every 5-10 years at their regular doc, in case something went dormant

  25. Yes, I would get tested and show my results. Sexual health is important and if you’re going to have sex with her, she has the right to know.

  26. Before any new sexual partner you should be tested, if not tested regularly anyway if you are sexually active.

    I know most people don’t but it’s the sensible thing to do.

    I wouldn’t be offended by the question, in fact I’d be thankful that they’re taking their health seriously.

  27. I’ve been married for 20 years and we are (and always have been) completely exclusive. But I had a girlfriend in college who admitted she had cheated on me with a guy who clearly was very promiscuous (and we had been sleeping with each other for almost a year after she did this – obviously I had no clue that she had done it). I remember I asked her (as I was breaking up with her) if she had at least practiced safe sex with this yahoo or if I needed to go get tested. She got super offended and acted like I was an asshole for asking her that question. She said they had used a condom and I said something to the effect of “Good. At least I’m not going to get AIDS or something.” At that she started sobbing like I was a complete dick for saying that. I told her “Well how do you think that happens?”. I eventually did get tested anyway, since by that point I did not trust her any further than I could throw her, but I spent several weeks kind of freaking out about it. Everything was clean with the test, luckily.

    Point is that it is totally NOT ok to hide your sexual history and/or std status from a partner. It indicates a complete lack of respect and consideration for the person you are sexually active with. Any tendency toward deception (or even just negligence) in that area should be a HUGE red flag and show stopper for continuing to be with someone. People don’t have the right to be offended about this question when their partner’s life is, quite literally, at stake.

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