Hii.. I am curious to know about this..
What’s your favourite memory with your partner or your ex? Like a conversation that you really liked or thing or activity you did together or anything else..

  1. Hard to pick favourites but the one that popped up first was our 3rd anniversary.

    We booked an AirBnB out in the woods and spent the entire trip enjoying home cooked food, hiking, and spending time together. We never wanted to leave.

  2. Hard to pick favourite, so I will choose the one that made me fall in love with them again.

    It was winter and we live next to a small park, so I saw some birds flying to our terrace in search for food. We live pretty up high so my mother instincts caught me in a grip thinking if they come so high they must be pretty hungry. I established a routine of feeding the sparrows and pigeons.

    I have to preface it that I lived my whole life in a very toxic household so feeding a bird on a window was out of the question for me.
    I thought he will somehow get mad or won’t care at all. You know – instincts.

    Then one day I see him on all fours trying not to frighten the sparrows as he watches them with awe. He then says the magic words: I fed them. He then starts to obsess over them and how cute they are. Trying to get a glimpse of them, getting a photo of how cute they are.

    I was always mocked for my love for animals growing up, so to see him being as animated as it gets over sparrows and being gentle with them. Yeah, it made me fall in love with him all over again.

  3. Of my ex; I have a lot of great memories with him, but I’ll share one of our most recent memories. We were hiking and walking around an Island off the coast. I remember feeling at peace and happy – it was a glimpse of what our life together could look like. On the ferry back home I remember looking over at him and thinking “God, I love you”. Then when we got home we had a great night together. I remember feeling so exhausted from that day but so happy and at home with him.

  4. A trip we took to the coast and visited a cool island for a day on a whim. I occasionally think about us sitting next to each other looking out at the water.

  5. I have so many (we’ve been together for 23 years…SO MANY memories!) But if I had to pick one, it would be him surprising me with a trip to Italy and proposing in Venice.

  6. One memory that stands out is early in our dating. We bought coffee and bagels and he wired a new stereo into his car while I read off the schematics to him. It was just the two of us doing a very mundane task on a Sunday morning, but I think it was one of those situations where you realize you’re very comfortable and at home with another person.

  7. he held me in his arms in a castle ruin on top of a mountain overlooking the whole valley, with little old towns and a big river. all of it was beautiful. the view, the exhaustion after the hike, the butterflies…

  8. could write a book about it and the trilogy “Lord of the rings” would sound as a haiku poem

  9. The first time he told me he loved me.

    We spent the whole evening together staying warm and cuddling, listening to music and drawing as it was cold out, then went out at 3am for a walk and to do some graffiti (in a place that does not ruin the city aesthetic and is a very popular spot for artists to hit…it has no foot or road traffic, it’s in a warehouse storage area where only employees would pass by, didn’t hit any private property).

    Anyway after we did some spraying we were laughing and heading back and he was leading the way because I didn’t know the area and it was dark. On a narrow path through a field full of flowers and cattails, I was following close behind him and he swung around, grabbed me and pulled me into him, told me he loved me and kissed me under the stars.

  10. There’s so many but this one is def up there.

    When we went to some stupid club together and it was just us 2 after a cute dinner date. We had been dating for like a month at this point but talking for about 4 months prior. I knew I loved him and would accidentally almost say it often; but never slipped.

    We were standing at the bar and he said something hilarious and then put his hand on the back of my neck. While I was laughing I slipped up and said “I love you” and immediately covered my mouth like “oh shit” and laughed. He laughed and said I love you too and kissed My forehead 🙂

    We just had our year and 6 month anniversary 🙂 time flies lol

  11. It was with my last ex, the moment I knew for sure that this is the man I want to be with for the rest of my life.

    May not be a big deal for everyone but here goes.
    It had been a few months of us dating, and it was before COVID. He had picked me up from my work, and we were going to my place for the night. And on the way, I had to pee, like really badly, uncontrollable urge to pee. But we got stuck in traffic, and where I am from public toilets are not that hygenic or frequent. So there wasn’t any nearby, the road packed with cars and we were 30 minutes from home.

    He knew I liked 90s and early Y2K pop music so he put on some Britney spears and Katy Perry and sang along and made up lyrics to distract me and made me laugh (which didn’t help) but I did get distracted a little. And I knew he was the one.

    I wish I were the one for him too. :’)

  12. We went to a nature reserve to use my new camera, at one point I turn around to him suddenly pointing his camera at me. That’ll always stay with me

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