What 10 things have you stopped doing in your life ?

  1. Drinking soda.
    Using a pillow while on my back.
    Watching TV in my bedroom.
    Trying to find an anime that’s tolerable.
    Making homemade salad dressing.
    Buying steak at restaurants.
    Reading fiction.

    That’s all I can think of.

  2. Caring what other people think of me and my life choices is the main one. It’s your own life, live it how you see fit.

  3. Watching TV before 7/8 at night (unless there’s a game on I want to watch)

    If I’m not working, try to be asleep by at least 2.

    If I’m off, try to get up in the am… Earlier the better but not the time I get up for work


    Playing PlayStation regularly

    giving a shit what people think

    Being a fussy eater

    Limit my phone screen time

    Don’t overdo it in the gym, nobody gives a shit

    Not let things pile up

  4. Giving a fuck about people that don’t give a fuck back.

    Watching the news

    Gaining large amounts of bad debt

  5. Stopped trying to make other people happy.
    Stopped expecting anybody else to make me happy.
    Stopped trying to save people from themselves.
    Stopped trying to get anyone’s acceptance/approval.
    Stopped trying to compete with anyone.
    Stopped trying to change anyone’s mind.
    Stopped trying to be perfect when being good or great is plenty.
    Stopped letting toxic people live rent-free in my head.
    Stopped going the extra mile for people who don’t give an inch.
    Stopped feeling guilty & inferior for relaxing and enjoying myself instead of always working myself to death.

  6. * Smoking
    * Agonising over meaningless things
    * Buying uncomfortable but cheap things
    * Drinking to get drunk
    * Making excuses about my dreams
    * Pretending I enjoy my career
    * Procrastinating endlessly
    * Spending time with people who make me unhappy
    * Sleeping through the weekends
    * Stopped seeing my hobbies as a waste of time

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