What did you not realize about yourself until somebody else told you about it?

  1. That if I’m eating and or trying something new and I don’t like the taste I will take it out with my fingers and put it back on some corner on my plate no matter how fancy the restaurant is lol like I ain’t swallowing something that taste like shit. My best friend pointed it out and I realized I did it so casually didn’t stop me but I found it quite funny.

  2. When I take a pill, I go water first, then pill. It cracks my boyfriend up. Usually it’s the opposite: pill first, then water. I didn’t notice I did it differently until he mentioned it

  3. -when writing, I start some of my letters the opposite of what’s “normal”, but they turn out the same
    – I can come off as stoic/aloof to some, and very extroverted to others.

  4. Like 95% of the things I thought were my personality are actually trauma responses

  5. when i walk my right arm moves in longer “strokes?” than my left arm does.

  6. My generosity towards others. I struggle with feeling guilty and selfish so it never occurred to me that other people don’t see that.

    Even when I am struggling to do what I consider the bare minimum for another person; what little I give is apparently more than others would ever hope or ask from another person.

    I don’t know if I just grew up in a screwed up situation that led me to believe that I don’t do enough. Or if the world is so screwed up that showing basic human decency is a grand gesture of heroism.

  7. Apparently my eyes are very pretty. Ik this because I got asked out whenever I wore a mask but not when I didn’t. Heartbreaking but I wasn’t looking to date anyways so *shrug*

  8. The ten-year-old photo I keep using as a professional “profile picture” looks absolutely nothing like me today.

  9. I was unconsciously channeling my mother, when I was fighting with my bf. Growing up I never liked the kind of relation my parents had and never wanted to be like them. But while I was having a fight with my bf, I dint know I was acting like her/being dominant like her exactly. After a few days my bf sat me down and shared his perspective of that fight, how he felt about my behaviour and then I realised that I was being my mom. Learnt a good lesson and got better, having a much healthier relation with my bf now.

  10. That I have a very specific type when it comes to the guys I date. Not that I ONLY date these types of guys but the best experiences I have had with dating fell into a very specific category; nerdy, lean with nice arms, introverted, dark hair, glasses, and owns a leather jacket.

  11. I have a really short torso. I never thought about my torso length until I got fitted for a backpacking pack

  12. Generalized anxiety disorder. I had no idea I had a problem w anxiety, due to the fact I’m high functioning, until my therapist told me. Apparently, having anxiety because everything is going well is a sign of an anxiety disorder, who knew?

  13. When I’m writing with pen to paper I move my mouth and smile a lot. A friend thought I was enjoying my own writing but turns out that’s just how my mouth do

  14. That I’m not chubby like I think sometimes! I still need to workout more though Haha

  15. That I have a very high-pitched voice. I was never really aware until I had a job review and they told me to “deepen my voice” to make it more professional. IDK how they expected that to work lol.

  16. that i was attractive
    that i was confident (in reality, i just figured i was so UNattractive so i walked around without trying because i didn’t think anyone would look or care, ha)
    and that i (used to) complain a lot.

  17. I didn’t like peaches because they make my mouth really itchy.

    I now know I’m allergic to peaches.

  18. Two things come to mind. First if I am eating something and don’t like the taste but want to finish the mouth full I will tap my fingers in a random order (I do this when I’m listening to music but didn’t know I did it with food).
    Two. I might have undiagnosed ADHD…welp 22 almost 23 years old and I don’t think it’s affected much aside from attention

  19. TMI but i apparently brush my teeth loud AF. Coughing up mucus takes some effort lol

  20. That I get really hangry. It wasn’t until my friend said it that I realised but it’s true. When everything is irritating me, I feel so much better when I’ve eaten something.

  21. I’m actually funny 😁 granted it’s sarcastic,self deprecating comedy because it’s my trauma response. Thanks Cancer!

  22. How pedantic I am. When I feel like engaging in a disagreement or argument, whatever I initially have the urge to respond to is usually the way someone phrased something. I have slight corrections instead of substantive disagreements. Must be pretty annoying. I’m learning how to filter that

  23. That I’m always second guessing myself. It made me realize just how terrified I am of making the “wrong” choice, that I can’t trust my own judgment.

  24. That my voice goes way up and is more “girly” when I speak in my second language. My friends pointed it out once when I was ordering at a restaurant, and haven’t let me live it down since.

  25. Logically I know that bad things have happened to me that would take most people down, down, down. I still have a hard time with feeling silly to say “I’ve had it rough” since my current status would be considered very privileged.

    Being a woman in engineering, I battled imposter syndrome and generally engaged in a lot of negative self talk. I felt/feel very deeply that I try so hard and get nowhere, failing fast & often.

    My undergrad program has their own graduation ceremony the day before the university commencement ceremonies. The dept chair has made it a tradition for all the program students to submit words describing the graduating seniors, which are then used to make a word art map to talk about each graduating senior at our private ceremony and how the program is proud of these skills, etc.

    My #1 word was perseverance.

    This means so much to me as a survivor. I’m still here, and I’m still here because of me.

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