A couple weeks ago, I (23f) was helping to run an event for my work (a large agency, 3,000+ employees). Toward the end, there were only a few of us left and one of the guys there was super nice and super cute, we talked a bit in a group. We had worked together once before and I had the same thought then, but he’s very quiet. I can’t tell at all if he’s interested in me too, and I can’t find him on social media so I don’t know if he’s in a relationship. I think he’s my age. We don’t work in the same department and aren’t even close location-wise, so it’s not like we pass each other often. I’m still working with his department and he’s the one communicating via email. I told my boss jokingly he’s my official work-crush (she’s known me for over a year and I’ve not dated anyone since I’ve been at this job), and she’s all for it (so not an issue from there). However, I know it could be awkward to work together if he rejects me and I don’t even know how to approach him or if I even should. How can I go about this ?

  1. I don’t advise to shit where you sleep but if you’re gonna do it anyway… Give him a genuine compliment that’s not surface level. In conversation say something like you’re hella funny/smart/witty or tell him you like his style. Actually mean it and then say, we should hang out some time.

  2. Initiate casual conversations during work events or via email. Find common topics to discuss. Gradually get to know him. If the connection seems positive, express interest subtly and gauge his response.

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