What is something you trusted someone enough to share with them, that was later used against you?

  1. Told my mom about suicidal thoughts I was having so maybe I could get help, instead she used it as an insult when confronted about her drinking later.

  2. My feelings / how stressed I am or if anything bothers me.
    Its often used as a weapon against you in arguments.

  3. Fertility issues. I confided to my mom that we were doing IVF and during a subsequent argument she said “At least I can have children.” She was post menopausal, and I shot back, “Not any more you can’t.” But I never confided in her again.

  4. Shard about some dark stuff that happened to me in the past (at her insistence I share this with her).

    Ended up with her being depressed and me having to take care of her emotionally for having heard *my* issues.

    In all it would’ve been simpler to just keep my mouth shut and deal with things myself as opposed to having to “share” the load and then having to care for two people instead of one.

  5. Pretty much anything mildly incriminating that I talked about at any point in my life. Learned and relearned that lesson pretty quick each time I forgot about it.

  6. I told my ex that I didn’t have my GED. She threw it in my face and as a result I made her cry by telling her how much of a waste of money and time she went through in college because she has a student loan debt of over $50k and not making nearly as much as she thought she would with a masters. Meanwhile, I’m a 2nd level IT tech making more than her and all I spent was $600 on two certs and 2 years of training. Mind you, I still don’t have a GED.

  7. My ex wife outed me to my mom.

    That’s the last time I’ve ever told a woman anything that could be held over my head or thrown back in my face.

  8. Oh man, I once shared some super embarrassing family secrets with a close friend, thinking they would keep it to themselves. But guess what? They turned around and used that information to embarrass me in front of a group of people. Lesson learned the hard way – trust is a delicate thing. It’s important to be careful who you confide in and make sure they won’t use it against you.

  9. When I was single…i coping mechanism I used was to write down a lot of what I was currently going through along with my thoughts about what lead me to that point.

    Lots of self loathing.

    Anyway…wife found it one time and there is not a single thing that I wrote about that hasn’t been thrown in my face at one point or another.

    I haven’t told anyone anything in a very long time.

  10. I’ve had a panic attack once and told my (now ex)gf about my fear of losing her (how I was scared she will one day say she never loved me and she was with me only because it was comfortable)…fast forward a month and guess what she told me 😆

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