Matched with a young woman earlier today on Hinge after we match I asked to use the call feature of the app with her and talk more and she said thats perfectly fine and we chatted for a few minutes before she had to go back to work. After our quick convo she messaged me “It was nice to talking to you” and I said the same and I can’t wait to talk to you more which she replied with a “😉” and I made a corny joke about her work and asked if we could talk again after she is done with work and she said that’s fine when she is done at 5:30. I asked for her ACTUAL number which she said she is cool with exchanging only to be unmatched minutes later.

  1. It’s just the way it is my man. Dating apps are a different universe, and in my experience at least its not after 2-3 weeks of talking and wasting your time getting to know one another.

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