If you could do it all over again, would you pursue the same career? Why or why not?

  1. I don’t have a career, but I would change which military rate I went into to ensure that I was more likely to get a civilian job later.

  2. Maybe but I always wanted to be a prosecutor so maybe I’d rather try that instead.

  3. My job is not something I’m super passionate about- it’s definitely not the kind of thing that makes me feel fulfilled and like I’m living my dream.

    But, it’s provided me lots of stability and I’m thankful for that. My “dream” career would probably not have been super stable or reliable for my family.

  4. If I was in college and I was who I am now I think I would try to become a therapist (am a programmer currently). But clearly I am not confident it would make me much happier or I would be back in school right now!

  5. No. Went to college for social work. The systems are so broken that no matter where you work you just feel like you’re rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic + 20 years to payoff student loans.

  6. Would have gone into CS instead of Finance. Have to learn Python either way lol.

  7. Nurse- NOPE. Nobody could have foreseen what these last few years have been like. Unfortunately, the only other thing I could really see myself doing is teaching, which is yet another thankless job with even less pay.
    On the other hand, being a nurse has been a very stable job with a nice middle class income. I can get a job anywhere, and do many different things. I probably just need to take a break, but i still wouldn’t tell anyone I know that it’s a good idea to go to nursing school.

  8. No. I was too scared to pursue what I wanted, so instead, I’ve lived thinking “what if…”. I wouldn’t do that again.

  9. No.

    I worked in finance for a loooong time, and I was really successful, but I always had this idea to start my own business. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I just didn’t have the confidence. I thought a corporate career was it for me. It wasn’t until my early 30s that I finally had the confidence to start it. I quit my corporate job 2 years later. I don’t regret starting it but I do regret just not going for it when I was younger.

  10. I would continue pursuing the same career from the moment I first time made money out of it, even though it was just a hobby and not a proper job. Instead I doubtef myself, decided to get a proper degree on proper field of work, spent 4 years and shit load of money on the degree, did unpaid internships and part time jobs on my field, working other jobs aside. Eventually I ended up making a career out of that hobby I had in my teens.

  11. Yes, probably. I don’t mind my career, but it’s not what I was passionate about after high school. I just went with it because it was a pretty much guaranteed way to get a decent job and I felt a lot of pressure to accomplish that because my family didn’t want me to go to university in the first place. Now I’m much more chilled out about it.

  12. Culinary arts, spent about 20 years working in various positions in many different kitchens. I traveled all over the world studying local/regional cuisine. The people I met, the things I’ve seen, and what I learned is invaluable.

    I left the restaurant industry 3(ish) years ago. Even though I’m no longer in that industry, I wouldn’t trade it for any reason. I chased a dream, how many people can say that?

  13. I dont think so. I work for my family business and I’m good at managing the operations of it, but the stress takes a toll on me and I think I would have picked something less triggering for my anxiety. On the other hand though, I make great money and have been able to afford awesome things.

  14. Fuck no, I wouldn’t touch another job in healthcare for a million dollars

  15. Yep, I love the work I do but also the work-life balance it affords me. However, I would go a different path within that career. There was a much easier way to get to where I am now that I just didn’t know about it – like so many entering a new field.

  16. No and yes.

    I stumbled into my career accidentally. Was studying to do something different, but certain life choices and admittedly, stupidly dumb luck, got me to where I am. I’m thankful because some of the skills I had learned were transferable and have picked up some new ones, too.

    On the other hand, it killed my creativity and drive to create. If there was a way to go back and focus on this, I would have been much happier.

  17. Yes! Going on year 26 and I still love it. It helps that my career (occupational therapy) offers tons of flexibility. I have worked with everyone from preemies to hospice, in hospitals, in community settings, in homes.

  18. Yes. My job allows me to work from home, it’s something I’m good at even though I’m not super passionate about it, and allows me stability in life as it is lucrative.

  19. Yea I would. But I did switch careers 3 times and spent a ton of money on college/university.

  20. Would skip college and become a tradesman. After a few years start my own business and retire a rich guy.

  21. Absolutely. Wouldn’t change a thing. I work in IT, specifically cyber security.

  22. Wouldn’t change my career. Am a door service technician. Every time I show up I am literally saving someone’s day. Best job satisfaction ever!

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