EDIT: I know this sounds shallow and stupid, but it’s how I feel. I want my boyfriend to be able to see of course and this is not a deal breaker but I don’t know how to deal with my frustration or if I can imply he could wear contacts?

My boyfriend doesn’t need glasses too much (he says he can see nearly perfect but not fully without them). He didn’t like contact lenses because he got eye infections (because he didn’t try the daily ones—I had same problem before I switched to daily).

Anyway, he has the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen and his glasses sort of hide them. When we first met, he never wore them and his eyes were the first thing I noticed about him. I find him 20x more attractive without glasses… like his eyes and his hair together are absolutely striking. This sounds super shallow I know, but I wish he’d wear glasses less and wear daily contacts.

Is there anything I can do to influence this besides telling him he has pretty eyes?

  1. Start doing something he hates and tell him you’ll stop once she stops wearing the glasses . Works like a charm

  2. Look at it this way, others won’t get to see them as much as you do. This may not be the case, but are you mad he isn’t as hot in public and it reflects on you?

  3. Get over yourself. His eyesight, comfort, and choice not to endure contact lenses is more important than your preference that he not wear glasses. FFS how shallow can you be??

  4. I don’t need my glasses to drive/read/function… but I slowly get headaches, and become crabby without them (the headaches make me seem ‘crabby’, takes 2-3 hours to get a low grade headache)

    Be nice to him… figure when it’s good for him (me: watching TV or cooking, I should wear them… walking in the woods, not so much)

  5. “I know this sounds shallow and stupid, but…”

    Perfect assessment, OP. That’s shallow and stupid, and nothing good ever comes after “but”.

  6. Should probably leave this alone. He should wear his glasses if they help him. Maybe go with him to pick a different style?

  7. >He didn’t like contact lenses because he got eye infections (because he didn’t try the daily ones—I had same problem before I switched to daily)

    Or maybe he has more sensitive eyes than you do and doesn’t want to keep sticking things in them. Let him be comfortable and leave it be.

  8. Get over yourself. Barring surgery or contacts, there are two kinds of people. Those who wear glasses, and those that will wear glasses in the future. You are already a member of that latter category. So was I until I hit 40.

  9. Hold on, let me reword your title:

    “I (27F) don’t want my boyfriend (27M) to wear a necessary medical device. What should I do?”

    See how stupid it sounds? Glasses aren’t a nice to have. They are medical device. One that he needs. If he doesn’t want to wear contacts then that’s the end of the conversation.

  10. My husband has beautiful eyes. He has long, gorgeous lashes I am envious of. He also wears glasses. His ability to see properly outweighs my need to constantly be staring into his beautiful eyes.

    You should let it go.

  11. It doesn’t sound shallow and stupid, it is shallow and stupid. Good gravy leave the poor man alone and get a life.

  12. Move on. He’s not comfortable with contacts. It doesn’t matter what your personal experience was, how could you continue pushing him when it was literally hazardous to his health? You’re nearing 30, grow up.

  13. The question should’ve been, how do I get over this stupid and shallow feeling/idea of mine.

    You don’t get to impose these on other people. You get over yourself or break up. Those are your two options.

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