Ok so there was this guy i met at the beginning of summer and i fell very hard for him. like very. normally i can get over a crush if it was just a crush but it’s because it was a little more than that, he did at least at one point in time like me back and we have had sex, he called me beautiful and would talk positively about his feelings towards me to our mutual friends. he suddenly dropped communication after i thought we’d end up together because he was going through some serious struggles which i understand but at the same time i felt really hurt. i thought i was getting over him because i realised it wasn’t going anywhere until i saw him in person again and my heart sunk and i couldnt even talk to any other guys that night because all i could think about was him, and talking to him. i keep thinking, what if one day, he’s in a better place and he’s ready to go out with me. i know its unrealistic but the “what if” keeps me totally hooked. i even tried to remove him off of my socials since he wouldnt speak to me like he used to but he somehow noticed within 2 days and followed me again and i dont have the heart to block him because this annoying part of me wants it to work out. any advice is appreciated, this has been driving me nuts

  1. I’ve been through the same thing had to unadd him and unfollow him because I didn’t have the self control to not reach out

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