Having a moment of psychoanalysis for myself and maybe for others too.

But I realized after the third date this guy isn’t a match for me—like deep gut feeling. Yet, I still like him and feel weirdly invested. So I am somewhat of the mind and impulse to just see where it goes/stay on for the ride. Why am I like this???? I don’t know if I’m just anxiously attached, genuinely curious/bored, or hoping to fool myself into thinking he is the right fit.

For those concerned about his welfare, I’m not leading him on and it seems like we’re just taking things date by date.

  1. Isn’t a match for you for something long term? Are you looking for something long term?

  2. Maybe it’s just there are good parts of him that make you want to stick around? There are so many aspects to what makes a relationship work. It could even be a majority of things you like about the person but there’s just some sticking point that makes you realize it won’t work. It sucks yo have to give up all the good parts.

  3. IMO if a girl tells me “let’s take things date by date” but then also posts on reddit saying she “has a deep gut feeling that we’re not a match for each other” she is 100,000% leading me on

    “date-by-date” means she has a GOOD feeling about me but wants to take things slow so I can show my red flags before we’re living together with a dog

    what you’re doing is leading someone on despite your gut already saying no

    tell him you don’t see this going anywhere serious but you’re down to keep hanging out, or stop seeing him, or continue knowingly manipulating him while sorting out your own complicated issues and feelings

    those are your choices right now

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