(23f) What if I like someone who is so much smarter than me..?

There is that guy who is 2 years older then me I really like everything about him but I’m scared to tell him anything cuz he’s so much Smarter than me!

We see each other’s almost everyday he say hi every time we met but I become nervous so can’t say it back he thought I didn’t want to talk to him

He’s really smart good looking have good ethics he’s laterally everything I like

I’m about 23 y.o and it’s my first time to think about someone this serious
The question is should I give it a try or take my side no leave

TD;LR: my crush is smarter than me

  1. >TD;LR: my crush is smarter than me

    So what. There are people who are smarter and less intelligent than we are. You don’t have to have the same level of intelligence in order for a potential relationship to work. Do you two get along well and enjoy spending time with each other? Thats what matters. He’s not going to judge you for not having the same intellectual capacity as he unless you try to act smarter than you are just to try to impress him.


    Be yourself.

  2. Go for it, say hi and start a conversation and see where it goes. And don’t sell yourself short, it sounds like you’re both studying medicine at the same school so you’re clearly smart too.

  3. Is he actually smarter than you, or do you just think he is because you have horrible anxiety and major self-doubt?

  4. How well you do in school is not a measure of how smart you are but how you apply a specific set of mental skills to a subject. A couple’s intelligences compliment one another, it isn’t a matter of who is smarter than whom. My wife is a doctor and in that area she is brilliant. Her memory is insane as well. I’m dyslexic and barely got the mediocre degrees i have. Still, there are areas she relies on me for. I’m better in a crises. I am better at complex problem solving. I am better tech-wise and running a business. Is she smarter? Who knows? Who cares? We work well together and intelligence is way too abstract to get hung up over.

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