I’m a programmer and ALWAYS drink: Iced coffee with white chocolate melted in milk and caramel.

What about you? Do you drink anything? Prefer something bland like water or maybe something very strong like plain coffee?

  1. I generally purposefully limit drinking fluids at work since I don’t always have quick/easy access to a bathroom and going offsite for a bathroom break often means prolonging my shift.

  2. Water and coffee.

    I have a water bottle that I try to fill twice a day… so I get lots of water in and stay hydrated.

    But I also sip on coffee on and off for most of the day too. And in the summer I’ll make myself iced coffees.

  3. Im trying to avoid drinking my calories so usually I just go with water, though at times some low-calorie Gatorade or green tea.

  4. Power aide. I work at a water bottling company so you woukd think jt would be water, but no

  5. Energy drink to start the day. Followed by some water. Then a green tea for lunch and after and back to water for the afternoon to finish the day.

    I always have a drink in hand. Like feel weird if I’m not currently drinking something. Cut out a lot of caffeine last year and replaced it with water. Use to drink 2 energy drinks a day and soda once I was home.

    Also I drink a cup of coffee when I wake up at home.

  6. Coffee (hot if it’s cold out, iced if it’s warm) in the morning and then water throughout the rest of the day

  7. I start with a CELSIUS in the morning for my caffeine hit. Usually sip on that for a couple hours. Then usually get through two 32-ounce water bottles in the afternoon and then another after dinner.

  8. Honestly man I really love coffee, idk if I fried my system or what but I don’t get any pickup from caffeine, least of all coffee, but damn if it’s not just tasty.

  9. 2 cups of coffee in the morning, then a little diet soda. I try not to over indulge in either.

  10. Water with some Gatorade or similar mixed in for flavor. I currently work in a factory. We hit around 110° F (I think that’d be in the 30’s C) at least during the recent heat wave.

    Either way, it’s hot as hell. Our current record, for my shift, is three people going down and then going home. Only had to call an ambulance twice this summer and we’ll be moving into Autumn soon.

  11. I’m sorry, but that’s the most programmer thing I’ve ever heard. “I ALWAYS have my $8.79 pick-me-up in the morning.”

  12. Also programmer

    For me it’s always 2 cups of hot coffee that I’ll be sipping from 7am to ~1pm (I use a hot plate to keep it warm). Then I’ll have water the rest of the shift if I brought lunch or a soda if I eat out/order (usually a Friday treat)

  13. Bland like water? You’ve offended a lot of us r/HydroHomies

    Water is delicious on its own. But if im feeling naughty ill throw a Liquid IV in there.

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