Do you think an alien UFO did in fact crash land in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 or do you think it was a balloon? Why?

  1. I mean, I will say it was _technically_ a UFO, unidentified flying object, but that doesn’t mean I think it was extraterrestrial. Maybe it was a weather balloon or maybe it was something the US Government was testing, but it wasn’t extraterrestrial.

  2. I’m more inclined to believe it was some sort of experimental aircraft, either one of ours or something Soviet or Soviet-allied, and we wanted to cover up that it had crashed and that we had it.

  3. I highly doubt that anything like that happened. A balloon is far more likely and rational.

  4. If a group of aliens have the technology to travel 1000 or possibly millions of light years I seriously doubt they would accidentally crash in the desert.

  5. I think the amount of time wasted on Roswell might have actually been applied to a real problem with far greater affect.

  6. I think it was a millitary aircraft of some sort but the government didn’t want the public/ other countries to know about it or the technology

  7. I 100% believe this.

    Not only was it a UFO, but that it was extraterrestrial.

    That is probably the wildest thing I believe, but I do. And not just Roswell, *all* that shit. I believe they have multiple craft, and bodies, and they are trying to reverse engineer them.

  8. It was a balloon, but it wasn’t just an ordinary weather balloon: it was a secret Air Force [Project Mogul]( balloon designed to detect Soviet nuclear tests via long range sound waves bouncing through the atmosphere like the sound of submarines in the deep sound channel. Hence the coverup.

  9. I think it was some experimental thing that the government didn’t want anyone to know about. Not aliens, like an experimental plane or something.

  10. There’s no doubt that the material that was recovered was from a balloon, and all evidence points to it being a Project Mogul balloon in particular. It’s noteworthy that the entire incident was forgotten for *decades* until Friedman and Berlitz reworked it into the germ of the story we know today, incorporating stories from several other “incidents” (particularly hoaxes) and poorly-remembered events of wholly terrestrial character. For instance, the story of military teams recovering humanoid bodies in the middle of nowhere; those stories correspond with actual Air Force teams tasked with recovering crash dummies used in high altitude parachute tests. Or Davis’s story about odd shrunken bodies and hermetically sealed caskets, which matches up with an incident several years later when a number of airmen died in an aerial tanker crash which partially incinerated their remains.

  11. If aliens existed and could travel through space why would they not take over Earth and enslave humans instead of staging hidden and being captured by unsophisticated humans

  12. It was part of the US spy balloon program that was meant to monitor soviet weapons testing which was a secrete at the time and that’s why there was a cover up.

  13. It was an experimental airplane that crashed. Area 51 is probably the worst kept secret in terms of conspiracy theories, there’s a very easy explanation for what goes on in there: it’s an experimental testing facility for new aircraft, so of course everything is going to be kept a secret and anything strange is going to be disavowed. The whole “aliens crashed here and are being covered up” is just a marketing gimmick that got out of hand.

  14. No. It’s hard to explain this to people who haven’t taken GR or even just a year of physics, but *space is really big and the speed limit is slow*. The amount of energy necessary to travel “faster than light” is so immense that your civilization would have long forgotten what scarcity meant.

    We are not alone, but we will never meet out neighbors.

  15. Probably not aliens all though I do believe there is other life out in the universe. I used to live out near White Sands in NM. There is always crazy shit going on. More than likely Roswell was a military experiment gone wrong.

  16. It most certainly was not aliens. Using Occam’s Razor there are many more plausible answers. Most of the “alien” and UFO claims were from during the height of the Cold War. Classified technology is far more reasonable than aliens.

  17. There hasn’t ever been a UFO of alien origins.

    Relatedly: nothing supernatural has ever happened and anyone who believes otherwise is – on some level – a child.

  18. A weather balloon is a prosaic explanation that requires no defense. Even a spy balloon is prosaic.

    Anyone who claims an extraterrestrial explanation bears the full burden of proof. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

  19. Do I believe, that, in a universe with 200 billion *trillion* stars, it’s highly likely (if not almost certain) that there is at least one other planet out there somewhere able to sustain life? Absolutely. Do I believe that, in a universe with 200 billion *trillion* stars, life from those other planets have built spacecraft that can transcend unimaginable distances and found their way to earth, a planet in a system that is one system out of 200 billion trillion others? No, extremely doubtful.

  20. I’ve always felt like conversation around UFOs has always been stimulated by the aerospace industry for the purpose of concealing development of new aircraft. I mean… It is really hard to keep something like an aircraft secret. Last time there was this much attention around UFOs was in the early 90s when the US began to publicly disclose their stealth capabilities. Before that it was in the 50s when we were developing the first generation of fighter jets, and ballistic missiles.

  21. I think it far more likely a Russian craft crashed at Roswell, but I am open to evidence that says otherwise.

  22. Balloon from a secret government program.

    The whole UFO thing looks more and more like classic conspiracy style thinking the longer and harder you look at it. Conclusive evidence is always just out of reach but about to be revealed. People with a vested interest in the topic (due to a book, blog, event or their own need to be involved and important) keep teasing evidence and using appeals to authority to establish credentials and get attention to their claims (which never quite pan out). The entire thing rests on a massive, multi-generations long conspiracy backed by sketchy evidence and populated with fake content, crazy people, charlatans and the perhaps well intentioned but overly credulous.

  23. Personally, If I don’t know or amhave any evidence i would assume the most likely option. So what is the most likely option in this case:

    1. weather / spy balloon
    2. Experimental plane
    3. Aliens traveling across the galaxy in person instead of using a probe, just to accidently crash land and not explode leaving everything intact for the government to hide in area 51

  24. I tend to believe what many of the people who were originally there claim, that it was a craft from non humans.

    You don’t really hear anyone state “I saw the pieces and it was a weather balloon” or “I saw the bodies and they were in fact human mannequins”.

    David Grush has eluded that it was true by stating he was not cleared to speak about it (I believe during his congressional testimony)

    There are an awful lot of people who worked, or are working for the agencies “in the know”, and they are now starting to come forward without fear of reprisal thanks to the protections specifically created for them, put in the last defense bill.

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