I found myself almost ready to buy the Dad Bod Destroyer stack today before I realized it’s the same basic pre-workout I already take and it got me wondering.

  1. Not me but my wife falls for the buy two get one free or the buy one get one half off. She always argues that if we don’t do it we are costing our selves money even when we don’t need it and only needed the initial thing not multiplies.

  2. Not really a marketing gimmick, per se, but I always fall for “Early Access” games. I know it will be buggy. I know it doesn’t have a good chunk of the features it promises. The story is incomplete and I’ll probably lose interest in the game long before it’s ever complete so I’ll never enjoy it as a finished product. But I often by it anyway… for nearly the price of a finished game. If it WAS a “finished” game and it and it had half of those problems, I’d be furious. So why does slapping ‘Early Access” on it make it OK? I don’t know.

  3. Any slight variation on a classic chocolate bar/sweet. Limited runs, bullshit flavours any old shit. Iv have to try it JUST IN CASE OKEY MARM!

  4. Buying almonds, cashews, or hazelnuts when they’re discounted, even if eating too many of them gives me flatulence or worse.

  5. Nothing really, I have never been the type that falls for advertising gimmicks, sure I buy the 2 for the price of one, but only when I need it, so I don’t really see that as ‘falling for it’ as it is a well informed decision of something I do actually need.

  6. Whether it’s a body cream, or a candy, or a bath bomb, or a lip balm. If it has THC in it, I’m immediately intrigued.

  7. I just recently hit that age where foods boasting about their fiber amount gets me every time. “Wow, each serving has 6g of fiber? Is that a lot? I don’t know, but it must be if they’re bragging. I’m definitely eating this.”

  8. “Only [small number] left in stock”

    Especially if added with “[more then the number left] in other peoples carts”

    FoMo plus competitive nature gets me every time

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