What is the most scariest ( paranormal) thing you have witnessed?

  1. I actually don’t think I know any dudes who believe in ghosts or the paranormal. I’m really wracking my brain and can’t think of any.

  2. I’ve no shit seen the future twice. About 10 seconds before something happens I will see it exactly, in every detail, and then the real thing will happen.

    Both experiences were highly disconcerting because I am the most un-paranormal motherfucker on earth but I just cannot even begin to contemplate what these experiences might mean, so I’ll just chalk it up to the boxing brain damage.

  3. Not scary, but paranormal if you believe in it. In my village there is an XVIII century house which has a room in the basement. This room, apparently, is haunted by a ghost who don’t let you open the door unless you ask it properly. I tried to open the door and I can confirm that you need to ask for it.

  4. I once took a shit and when I went to wipe there was nothing there, looked in the toilet and nothing was there either. It was like a ghost shit.

  5. Not a goddamned thing in 54 years, and I’ve been goading the paranormal the whole time. IF YOU ARE REAL, COME AND GET ME MOTHERFUCKERS!

    I even read from the Necronomicon over a brazier in college on a dare, and asked Satan to come claim me. Nada.

  6. I want to start with a disclaimer, I was never someone who believed in the paranormal. I was interested in ghost stories but always knew they were just that. Stories. Everything could be explained.

    But then, earlier this year I started working in an old theatre. I was working there with two other guys after hours. We were the only three in the building. I was minding my own business, walking on the second floor when out of nowhere the temp behind me drops about 20 degrees, and right behind my right shoulder, practically in my ear I heard a little girl whisper “hi there.”

    I SPRINTED out of there and down the stairs. One of the guys working there with me that night saw how pale I was, so I told him what happened. His response was “oh yeah, you met her? She loves messing with me when I’m up there”. He said there was two ghosts in the building. An 11 y/o girl, and an older guy.

    Since then I’ve had two other encounters in that building, one where a drill I was using just started rocking back and forth on the bench next to me, and one where a stack of merch racks abruptly started shaking like they were in a hurricane, or someone was trapped on the other side.

    I’ve always been a huge skeptic, and am totally willing to admit there are some explanations for what I experienced, but from what I felt, I have a hard time figuring out what that might be.

  7. Nothing ever. Don’t believe in ghost at all and I have worked around dead bodies and places people die often. So not a real thing.

  8. Saw a naked indigenous man on the side of the road in the middle of the nevada desert, miles from the nearest town, no cars in either direction at 2 am.

  9. In my parent’s old house. A friend and I were playing with Legos in my room with the TV on in the background. I had an old TV with knobs. You had to turn the knobs to change the channel. No remote. We were playing, and all of a sudden the knob started turning itself. I’m talking like fast. The channels were flying by. It was scary. My friend and I ran out of the room. If you have never used a knob TV, the knob has a lot of resistance to turn. You have to put in effort to click the knob to the next channel. There was no way it would just randomly turn by itself. I still have no idea what happened.

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