Single Women of Reddit who want a relationship, would you say nobody is interested in you or are you not interested in the people that like you ? And why ?

  1. It’s just hard as an adult to meet people outside of dating apps. Everyone I work with is married, in a relationship, or 20 years older than me.

    I don’t enjoy bars or clubs.

    So it sort of limits the people who you can meet and potentially date

  2. I know of a couple of people who might be interested in me, but they’re in relationships or have some other dealbreaker for me. I’ve got crushes on a couple of people, but they’re not reciprocated in the same way, and I’m not comfortable having “feels” for someone who’s not going to “feel” back at me. So I’m looking for that elusive “I like him and he likes me — in that way” combination.

  3. I would say I’m not interested in people who are interested in me – so far.


    My career is my number 1 priority in life and always has been.

    I’m looking for someone who works in a similar line of work to me, which is mostly remote work and most of the people who do it are American – I’m in the UK.

    Also I have no social life, I don’t try to date, so I’m not casting my net out anyway.


    As I move up in my career I will have more free time, have more connections and maybe somebody will come along.

    But I’m quite happy if I only ever have friends.

    Really it’s not important to me. It’s an optional extra.

  4. I’m a picky person when it comes to dating, and it’s because I would rather end up alone than settle for someone who isn’t my soulmate. I’ve seen it happen too many times where people settle for people they tolerate at best, because they think it’s what they should want, and then they become miserable.

    I know what I want in terms of romance and relationships, and I simply refuse to accept any less, just I hope my future spouse does as well.

    Also a concerning amount of men are now self proclaimed alpha males and I have no interest in that sort of relationship drama.

  5. I don’t know of anyone who is currently interested in me. I am not interested in anyone.

  6. I’m not interested in the men who are interested in me. They’re good people but I just don’t see a romantic future with them developing any time soon.

  7. I only recently felt like it was time to be open to meeting people and dating again after 3 years. I’ve made absolutely no effort to try and meet anyone though, I don’t do dating apps and I don’t really want to. I went on a a few dates with a guy recently who I literally met walking down the street, we just happened to be walking in the same direction and my friend said hello to him and we started chatting from there. This was my first experience of just meeting someone and getting to know on dates. All other partners have been people i kind of already knew.

    Anyway, after 3 dates he got all distant so I took the hint. I have 2 people who have asked me out and shown interest but they are people I work with and I won’t cross that boundary especially now I’m in a management position, I don’t want to be gossiped about at work and have people judge me.

    Although the dates with that guy off the street didn’t work out it’s given me the confidence to just start mingling and talking to people, something I wouldn’t have done before. So I’ll see if anyone takes my fancy tomorrow night when I’m out and see how it goes 😏

  8. I would want someone who wants me for being me not someone who only wants to fuck, just because of my body. It is unrealistic.

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