I don’t mean in a cruel type of way but more in a “black cat energy” type of where they enjoy being playfully bullied or teased? Because the guy I’m seeing called me a black cat and said one of the things that just does if for him is when we banter back and I make fun of him or tease him and I asked if he wanted me to be nicer and he said no?? lol so I’m just wondering are most guys into this, or do they prefer a sweeter more affectionate person?

  1. Depends on the guy. Why do they like it? Who knows? That’s like asking why you like a food you like or a type of music you’re into. Do you know why a lot of the times or that you just enjoy it?

  2. Some guys are into all kinds of shit, including literally getting shit on by women. Statistically most guys have dominant personalities (biologically hardwired), so being belittled, bullied or abused or whatever would be generally unpopular for them. If you are a black cat energy girl, then just be yourself and spend time with guys who like when you make fun of their dick size, looks, intelligence, income etc. It doesn’t matter if “most guys” are into it, you’re who you are and need to be with compatible men.

  3. Men are individuals: it’s personality compatibility. Sure men have similarities or a type (e.g. “golden retriever boyfriends”, etc.) has a lot similarities but every guy is different. I find it weird when people provide advice targeting an entire gender.

    There is a this sort of clever humor that usually blindsides me (seems to be the most common flirting humor). But puns, sass, caricatures, etc. are my default humor.

    One guy I know: it was an absolute dealbreaker that a woman he dated needed time to process her thoughts and emotions and couldn’t provide immediate emotional back and forth. Whereas that sounds amazing to me because I also need time to process.

    I would rather have someone rough, honest, and sassy than someone being inauthentically polite/nice/etc. I also pair well with intellectual discussion, crazy hypotheticals, and childlike silliness. Sultry teasing is a complete miss for me. I like playful roasting but a lot of roasters are just hiding that they are actually assholes. In my opinion if they can’t handle me being a little sassy or throwing shade occasionally a relationship will feel like walking on eggshells.

    Being authentic is better. Finding your person is better than appealing to the most people. Play to your strengths.

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