A girl(23F) I(22M) met a week ago and I have been seeing each other everyday since. WShe said she wants to go slow, because she wants our relationship to last a long time, I agree and I am doing so. We just kissed for the first time (only a small peck), and have been cuddling a lot. After a really romantic date the night before, today she comes by to tell me she’s going to a friend’s house, I only saw her for a minute. I had been waiting to see her all day, and was very distraught by this. I call her when she goes home to talk about it, and she tells me she wants to be alone, and doesnt want to see me. She said we should talk about it next week, then about 4 days. She lives on campus with me, a one minute walk. She said she would only see her boyfriend once or twice a week. I don’t understand and I feel awful. Why are we avoiding each other? For the sake of what?

I don’t know what to do. I’m too emotional, if it were up to me I would be with her everyday. Maybe I’m too fast? I Any advice on what I could do would mean a lot. Or advice on how to try and skip the time between seeing her, or how to deal with being upset?

  1. She’s trying to control the relationship to force a good outcome.

    It’s weakeness and immaturity.

  2. Fall back and relax. Being like this a week ago isn’t good and the more you push the more she’ll pull away. Just let her know you’re here and the rest is Upto her and you can’t control that, so just relax, let her come to you and love your life in the meantime

  3. She needs her space and so do you. She’s creating healthy boundaries so she can have her own life and you can too. Hanging out everyday isn’t necessary

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