I (F18) started talking to this guy (M22) that I met on social media. He gave me his number and we started texting 24/7. After a few weeks we decided to FaceTime and I was really nervous because I’m bad at talking to people that I’m not comfortable with. I tend to overthink my words and not say much and I think I might have mild selective mutism. Well we started FaceTiming and we were talking but there was so many awkward silences and It was hard for me to talk bc of anxiety. After a long silence he made an excuse to hang up. We called each other a few other times and after a while I became more comfortable and started talking more and laughing with him. It felt like sparks were flying. We hung up and he texted me good night and sweet dreams and I felt soo happy. But then the next day he started being distant and eventually stopped answering my texts all together. He then posted on social media, “how y’all act onna internet vs how y’all act irl be crazy asf” and my stomach dropped bc I knew it was prob about me. I think he expected me to act a certain way because of how I text but I didn’t live up to it because I’m too shy. It hurt a lot but I’m trying not to let it get to me.

Edit: before we FaceTimed I let him know that I’m shy until I get comfortable but I guess some people just aren’t understanding

  1. Try to not think too much of it. You met him on social media and the quote he posted on social media can also be applied to him.

  2. Well based on his “social media post” it sounds like he is incapable of speaking like a halfway educated/civilized human being.

    You did yourself a favor by losing this uneducated piece of trash.

  3. Based on what you said, it just sounds like you two aren’t compatible, which is completely fine. I’m also more of an introverted person, but I’ve learned how to adapt over the years through having A LOT of experiences like you just had.

    I wouldn’t take it personally at all, I would see it as a learning opportunity. Take some time to reflect on what you could’ve done better, then make a small, achievable goal for what you want to improve for your next relationship (i.e. Try your best to eliminate awkward pauses in a conversation). Do this again and again and again, it will improve your self-esteem, therefore accelerate your learning curve, and allow you to become more sociable.

  4. >He then posted on social media, “how y’all act onna internet vs how y’all act irl be crazy asf”

    Seems like you dodged a bullet, I read that sentence and the first thing I think is this guy writes like a moron who is trying way too hard to sound cool. Does he actually talk like that in real life?

  5. Girl I got the ick just from reading his post. Let me save years of you wasting your youth on these clowns; go for someone who’s a gentleman, is educated, and is willing to take you on a date. If I were you, I’d unfollow him, and delete his number. Don’t give him an ego boost and most certainly don’t give him another chance. He sounds like a loser.

    And when he texts back, because let’s be honest, men always come back. (I’m 28 and have men hmu since MIDDLE SCHOOL lol) say; “who’s this?” That will destroy his ego so fast. And when he tells you “it’s ___” either ignore it or say “I’m not interested in people who come and go as they please” and leave it at that.

  6. Also, may I recommend; Tania Lucely. I hope you speak Spanish, if not, turn on her subtitles on YouTube bc her advice is GOLD. I’m telling you, I wished I had someone to coach me on dating when I was young because it would’ve saved me many years of heartbreak, dealing with narcissistic assholes, the list goes on.

    Asha Christina is also another good one. 🩷

  7. He sounds like a major dickhead and you honestly dodged a bullet. Can’t trust a dude these days

  8. I’m just like you for real, I also have a hard time speaking to new people. And if he can’t understand that, it’s his loss. People that say things like “people don’t act the same in person”, aren’t actually big enough to say it to that person’s face, that’s why they post online

  9. I know your situation way too well, as in my case several years ago I (M20) was ghosted by a girl with whom I had been chatting for hours on end each day for a week, though she told me she didn’t want to continue talking before ghosting me.

    I can say from experience that it’s best to try just move on, as I suffered myself with some problems as a result of my ghosting for a year or two because I wasn’t able to move on initially.

    If you need someone to chat with, my Dm’s are open

  10. Who the hell would judge you on facetiming? Of course its nerve wracking!

    Its your life but he seems like a clown playing parlor tricks. Find someone who wants to have an actual date and not facetime. That seems childish.

  11. Without having the details of your FaceTime conversations, I’m saying it’s he’s beef so just relax .
    Well done you for taking the step of being more approachable

  12. This is a real, “The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been…” kind of moment.
    Cellphones and technology aren’t doing us any favors with communication or building relationships.

  13. Lmao judging by what you said, the guy seems to be too scared to have a real conversation with you. If he felt that strongly about your “nervousness” which seems completely normal (given the fact that you did start to get more comfortable with time) and he wanted to take it forward with you, he would have communicated this to you. Ghosting and putting up stories on social media is CHILDISH, and cringey tbh. You should be thankful he showed you his personality and emotional intelligence so soon. You should focus your energy elsewhere and look for someone more mature. And don’t worry about being nervous and underconfident, these things are normal and any sane person knows that people feel this way. Good luck!!

  14. If he can’t say it directly to your face and yet posts it on social media? Big red flag. Be thankful he’s gone. You’ve got nothing to ‘live up to’ except to you and who you are. Don’t live another moment trying to people please and meet what you think someone’s expectation is. Meet your own expectations. Be happy with yourself. Weed out the losers as soon as you can

  15. I’m also kind of awkward on phone calls sometimes and I HATE FaceTime/video chat in general. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

  16. i can imagine how terrible you feel right now, especially if he posted that on his social media

    honestly you’ll be fine. especially if you knew him online, so no string is attached. take that experience as a future lesson for you. good luck OP!!

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