Okay so yesterday I made a post about how my autistic girlfriend and I went to see Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and then had to leave because she got overstimulated, making her feel extremely awful (see my last post for more details). My post got locked so I can’t update it so here’s an update:

This morning I surprised her with Dunkin for breakfast and she finally talked to me and said she was super embarrassed and felt terrible she ruined “my special day.” I told her I didn’t know what I could say at that point to convince her I wasn’t upset with her in any way and just wanted her to know I loved her and cherish her very much because she’s a very precious person and I love her presence much more than the movie, and I think finally she started to accept it a little bit.

She told me to make it up to me, she’s gonna watch every single superhero movie with me (not just every Marvel movie, every superhero movie in general) and I spent a lot of time this morning going through my movie collection with her and pulling out the different superhero movies I can show her and it was SO much fun. Additionally, we’re planning on going to see Doctor Strange 2 again tonight at our local drive-in theater with Chinese food. She’s never been to a drive-in theater so she’s SUPER excited and she’s so happy and relieved I get to see the rest of the movie, haha.

Also, to those who asked, she does see a therapist and her next appointment is on Monday and she told me she’d talk about this.

Thank you so much to everyone who commented. I was truly overwhelmed with all the support and lovely comments.

  1. This is so sweet. You two both seem very loving and caring. I hope you guys have a great time watching it together. It’s also very sweet of her to want to “make it up” by watching other movies together. Best to both of you!

  2. My heart is full at how wholesome this is. Wishing you two nothing but the best!

  3. Oh I’m so glad you have a drive in to take her to! I hope she really enjoys it.

  4. I wanted to say this in your last post before it got locked, but you’re an amazing boyfriend. And, from the looks of this update, you have an amazing girlfriend.

  5. Drive-in is a really good idea, you can control the sound and the environment is familiar, both should help a little with overstimulation. Just a suggestion for the future, since you two will have many movies to see, do any of the theatres near you do inclusive showings? Some theatres will do showings where they don’t turn the lights down all the way and turn the sound down to tolerable volumes (normally middle of the day). Just suggesting it for future marvel movies as something that could help you both enjoy the experience together.

  6. I’m neurodiverse and some things will always be too over stimulating or sometimes there are other factors (unment needs, anxiety, tiredness) that can make it worse. We exactly need to hear this from our partner that we are loved and accepted and just being ourselves isn’t ruining things for everyone else as we are brought up feeling this. She will get less insecure the more safe and validated she feels, carry on!

  7. This is so sweet on both of your parts. Honestly she shouldn’t feel bad at all for feeling overstimulated, the movie seemed like it wanted to do that to viewers in my opinion.

  8. That’s kind of her and you, but honestly, that movie is trash IMO. Went to see it last night and literally almost decided to walk out 3/4’s through. I’d pick anything else…

  9. Ahh this is great! Have fun tonight! (I personally really liked the movie!)

  10. You got a keeper there. Luckily mine is a huge MCU fan and I look forward to catching her up on the movies someday soon.

  11. This is so wholesome!

    Just a tip, the drive in might be a bit overwhelming too. I find the sound at ours is atrocious and we have to keep the stereo very loud to hear the dialogue. If she has any noise cancelling headphones it might help to bring them along. ❤

  12. Omg this is so wholesome! You seem like a wonderful partner and I just want you to know that. This was so wonderful to read I’m almost crying. Keep up the good work, you’re doing great!

  13. If people start clapping and cheering at the drive in, you have my permission to run them over

  14. Idk man that movie almost over stimulated me and I am not autistic. Lots going on there haha

  15. OMG – another relationship issue resolved with communication. Good on you and you GF, OP.

    If continue to be this open with each other, you should have a solid relationship into the future. Good luck to you both.

  16. Man it’s not very often on this subreddit, but these wholesome posts are the fuckin best.

  17. Firstly, y’all sound like an amazing couple and you are a wonderful partner to your girlfriend. I’m very emotional atm and I am in tears at the wholesomeness of this while eating a chicken salad sandwich at work.

    Anywho, a drive in sounds like a wonderful idea! I hope y’all have an amazing time. These are the updates I live for.

  18. My wife has sensory overload issues to. We can’t do iMax all the time or it’s a rare event for certain movies. One thing I would recommend is earplugs. My wife wears them each time we go and it helps with the noise. Hope all is well! Have a good weekend!

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