What does everyone find reliably accurate?

Related: why the F is there so much discrepancy between forecasts? For exactly the same location and time this morning, Met Office says 11% chance of rain, BBC says 49%, Apple says 0%. Surely they are all getting readings/data from the same place… how do they interpret it so differently?

  1. First, do they all have the same interpretation for e.g. precipitation?


    I personally have 3 apps installed and cycle through them if I’m heading out, and get a good enough idea what weather I can expect.

    We’re still far off hyper-localised weather forecasts, but perhaps with cheaper sensors, more connectivity, and better models, will get there soon.

  2. The joys of living on an island. Weather is very variable hour by hour so I guess it depends on when the forecast took a reading.

  3. I use BBC weather for a general idea and then look at netweather rain radar for a look at real time rainfall. It’s really useful to decide whether it’s a good idea to go for a dog walk or not.

  4. BBC isn’t bad for a general idea of how the day is likely to look, but the fact is about 90% of the year the weather could probably be summed up by the word ‘changeable’

    One thing I’ve learned in my many, many years as a pedestrian. Generally dress for the rough temperature, but also prepare for rain/cold wind/sweltering sun.

  5. I use a combination of Met Office, XC Weather and, usually the most accurate; looking out the window.

  6. Think it depends where you live. I’ve used met and BBC but found both frustratingly unreliable

    I now use ‘The weather channel’ which is more detailed and accurate

    Nothing is perfect

  7. Looking out of my window,,I can usually tell what will occur in the next two minutes. That’s pretty much as good as it gets.

  8. I did an analysis recently because I’m a nerd and the results were essentially that they were all as bad as each other 🤣

  9. I use three different one, if it’s for something important (like a day out) and try and get an average

    [Windy.com](https://Windy.com) on my laptop

    the weather app on my phone (which just seems to be called ‘weather app’)

    and the weather app on my wife’s phone (which is a different weather app)

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