Im talking to a new guy, he says he hasnt dated or hooked up in 4 yrs, and hasnt masturbated in over 10. Is that realistic? Im sorry if its naive or offensive to ask.

  1. I tend to cum big loads when I go big periods of no intercourse due to all the tension/buildup. Most I’ve gone is 10 days. Even after going 3 days without sex I cum a lot. If bro shoots small nibbles, if you do sleep with him, definitely lying. Everyone is different but that’s how you will know.

  2. Highly unlikely, but not physically impossible. Maybe someone who is devoutly religious could manage that, but it certainly wouldn’t be good for his prostate.

  3. It may be possible in men with low T or some other sexual dysfunction. Also depends on age. At 40 I would rather do other things than enter the modern dating pool meat grinder. Men don’t need to orgasm, that is a myth that is propagated for obvious reasons.

  4. If so then he is on the cusp of transcending to a state of pure enlightenment.

    It’s possible I guess but unusual. Get to know the guy better and decide for yourself if there’s something off.

  5. I had a friend that stopped masterbating at 14 and was waiting for marriage for sex due to religious reasons.

    When 23 he asked his now wife to marry him on the second date.

  6. Believable from an adult? Yes.

    Believable from a well-adjusted adult? No.

    Note that those are two very different statements. I wouldn’t call the guy a liar, but I would see it as a HUGE red flag.

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