I have been dating a girl I met using online dating for 5 weeks now, 5 dates, but we have spent the night with each other each date, and 3 of them for most of the weekend, so does feel like longer than what you might normally think 5 dates is.

I like her but sort of taking it slow, still early days. Pretty sure she likes me as well.

Her Birthday is in a week and not sure how much I should spend.

Given everyones budgets will be different, for ease, assume you would spend 100 in your local currency on a long term partner for a Birthday, what percentage would you spend on a partner of 5 dates that you like/our current relationship?

  1. Considering I’ve had men spend thousands and we never spent nights etc. there is no limit. If you needed to ask us this, you don’t like her. A man who likes a woman, does for her. He won’t care or look at the cost because he’s trying to wow his potential

  2. Is she your girlfriend? Then I’d get something inexpensive but thoughtful at this early stage.

    If you haven’t defined the relationship, just send her a text because grand gestures are weird early on.

  3. Sounds like you’re trying to watch your budget?

    Get something meaningful or romantic. Something like flowers or something that shows you listen to her. If you want a number, aim for about $30 to $50. Whatever you can reasonably afford.

  4. Take her to a restaurant you can afford and get her a dessert and you can add a candle.
    Also if it’s in the budget get her some roses and a birthday balloon.

  5. If it were me and I felt like she was going to be my girl eventually I’d get a small gift based off something she said she likes, thoughtful is always the way to go early on. If you buy something expensive youre settinf a precedent early on when you two aren’t even official. I would also take her to a spot she wants to go to or has said she would like to try and call it a day.

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