To be clear, they won’t exactly be playing cards 😂 – question inspired by the movie indecent proposal.

  1. Absolutely. I do that shit for free. It’s up to my partner though obviously she’s not my property.

  2. I get a women and a million dollars. Also where do you get them because I can’t find them on amazon only attachments so this means the sale value must be massive.

  3. “please pay me in small amounts as a “gift” each year so that I don’t have to report the income to the IRS”

  4. My reaction would be, Will that be cash or check.

    Sad part, that movie came out in 1993, 1,000,000 adjusted for inflation would be 2,115,100 today.

  5. If she says the condition is that we split it then no because that’s basically prostitution. If she wants to do it not for the money then I’ll pocket the money for myself, remove all reminders of her existence, buy a Ferrari and cry in it.

  6. After 30 years I would ask him to ask for her himself. See how she replies and the consequences would adjust accordingly. If she’s down with it then I’m secretary out with call to the lawyer. Wrap it up call after cash is received . I would definitely try to push for gold. Tomorrows here I come.

  7. If my wife agreed, I’d let her do it, hire a escort for myself the same night, pick up wife the next day and ask “Wanna call it even?”

  8. If she’s up for it, I am. One night and we can buy a house, take loads of amazing holidays, do what we want. It’s just sex, honestly, it would barely bother me for that kind of cash.

  9. I’ve been married for 18 years, no amount of money from any man could take my honey away from me. … … aw who am I kidding — where do I sign up?!!

  10. Just 1 million? Really just 1?
    No in reality I would say hell nah. Though if she accepts I would just simply leave.

  11. I have zero issue admitting I’d sell out and give her over on a platter. Baby…just bite the pillow and smile. After this we’re going out to red lobster and you don’t have to order just water.

  12. That’s a weird question. Why another man should propose a million dollar to a man with his woman and not to a woman herself? Makes zero sense.

  13. Well I think I would have to pose a question back to the other man. “Do you want her delivered or are you picking her up”?

  14. This is one if those trick games. There will be no money afterwards. Therefore, the only way to win is to not play it.

  15. I mean, a million dollars is a lot of money, but even if she agreed to it, I would impose so many conditions for her physical and mental safety that he would probably retract the offer.

  16. As long as sex isn’t forced and it’s up to my gf if she has sex with him or not I’d take it. But you can’t pay a million to rape her, you can’t give me any amount of money to do that.

  17. Get away from the soulless husk of a person who thinks everything can be bought with enough currency.

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