What’s something good that happened to you recently, or saw happen to someone else?

  1. I got lasik last week and now I can see all the good things happening to others

  2. I was in line at a pharmacy in the US this morning and heard the best conversation between the cashier and a customer. He (the cashier) told her (the customer) about a deal on boxes of chocolate. They exchanged stories about Ramadan. He was from Bangladesh and she was from Ghana. Seeing people connect in that way was awesome. As corny as it sounds there was so much joy. She wished us a Happy Mother’s Day and we wished her that also. Also corny, but it made me grateful to see the interaction and know things can be good, even when there are a lot of things in the world that need to change.

  3. It might sound cheezy but someone opened a door for me. I was not having a good day. I was walking to the door and he made it a point to open it for me and he gave me a big smile. That tiny bit of kindness made my day turn around. How often are people randomly kind to others.

  4. Something good that came out of something bad; 2 weeks ago my building was subjected to an arson attack at 4am, by 6am locals had volunteered at the community center to cook for us, they cooked until 8pm when some were allowed home and the rest of us were sent to a hotel.

    By 9am word had gotten around and people were showing up with bags of clothes, blankets, toiletries, baby stuff, pet food and snacks and drinks.

    The local schools issued supermarket vouchers by 9:30 so we could by stuff for our kids.

    By evening time a local company had volunteered two buses to take us home or to the hotel.

    At the hotel the local authority hadn’t paid for dinner during our stay but the hotel made us a hot buffet every evening off their own backs.

    A wedding party found out about us being displaced and left bags of new clothes, food and drinks for us at reception.

    So much love and compassion came from something bad and I will never forget it.

  5. My partner stopped me in my tracks as I was preparing for sexy times with him and started blasting me with compliments but just all out saying what he admires even the things he knows I hate about myself, he told me to fully undress and take a hard look at myself with him there (I had told him a few days prior I was having self esteem issues and he’s always made me feel loved everyday but I just have issues with how I see me) he told me he doesn’t care for sexy times right now and that it was more important for me to know that I am attractive to him and that I’m beautiful and that he wants to engrain that into me. I broke down happy/sad crying and he comforted me, what’s worse is that he’s given me a lot of money a few days after to buy myself new clothes as I usually buy second hand or can’t afford quality ones and I’m panicked because that’s a lot of money and just a really big gift (I’m not saying it’s bad I just haven’t been given something like this before so I’m panicking because it’s big and I wanted him to keep it so he can get things) I tried declining but he’s more stubborn than I and I accepted more than appreciative for it as he said he wanted to treat me being there for him through thick and thin and loving him. I’m going to be sweating bullets when I buy more than two useable bras that cost more than $12. Ima kill him with kindness after he sees what I’m making for him (a project that’s taken 90+ hours before all of this happened and will likely take x10 the amount more to finish) I love him

  6. I got a new job a couple months ago, after being at my old job for more than a decade. I was hoping for a little bit of a pay increase because I was going from academia to industry. After being very, very let down at the salaries I was seeing offered for job openings that fit my qualifications, I ended up snagging a job that pays almost 3x what I used to make, blowing all of my expectations out of the water. I don’t know how I got that lucky, and I’m still thinking that I’ll wake up one day and find it was all a dream.

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