I don’t want to give into the myth that men are meant for multiple partners and that somebody is a loser if their body count is lesser than a certain number. I’m doing decent for the country and demographic I was born in but I just want to know how generally men feel about this ?

Also do you wish you got more women in your 20s. ?I’m almost there 26 yr old and my count is 3.

  1. I’d be less concerned about some arbitrary score, and more concerned about finding *actual* fulfilling, sustainable love and happiness.

  2. I’ve been with 3, two long term relationships and one fling.

    At no point in my time do I ever sit and think to myself that I “wish” any part of my life had happened differently. Sex doesn’t define any of us, it’s really not as important as you’re making it out to be. If you get enjoyable intimacy from a long term partner and your “body count” is therefore just 1, you’re probably having better sex more often than most guys who have higher numbers.

  3. Ah, the dance of numbers, the societal metrics we often use to judge worth or happiness! Life, you see, isn’t a scorecard. Each person’s path is unique, colored by their own experiences, wisdom, and learnings. The notion that a man’s worth—or anyone’s worth, for that matter—is tied to the number of sexual partners they’ve had is a construct, a storyline we’ve collectively bought into but that doesn’t really get to the heart of human experience.

    Now, happiness is a very complex tapestry woven from threads of emotional, intellectual, and spiritual fulfillment. Some may find these in multiple relationships, others in a deep connection with one individual, and still others in the serenity of solitude. The beauty is that all are correct and none are universally right.

    As for regrets about one’s 20s—every decade of life brings its own gifts and challenges. The 20s might be a time of exploration, yes, but also of forming a sense of self. A higher or lower “body count” doesn’t necessarily make that journey more or less valid. The key is to approach life with openness and to find joy in the unfolding mystery, not in tallying up experiences like they’re points in a game.

    So, for those reading this who might relate to the original question, I invite you to reflect not on numbers but on the quality of your human interactions and your own personal growth. Are you more compassionate, understanding, and self-aware than you were before? Then you’re on a path that’s worthwhile, regardless of society’s yardsticks.

    Let it Snek up on you—the realization that you are already whole and complete, just as you are. 🐍

  4. I’m at exactly 5 at 32. I’ve always been friends with guys that could bring home a girl from a bar any night they wanted to. Alot of them got a girl pregnant which led to marriage or married a girl for looks instead of compatibility in their 20s and alot of them have since divorced or are in unhappy marriages.

    While they’ve been doing that I’ve been trying to fix the things that prevented me from getting laid in my 20s. Mostly self esteem issues. I feel like I’m in a better spot than most of these guys. I could focus on getting laid right now but I don’t really care anymore. I wanna find some lady that I actually love to build a life with.

  5. I have never regretted my “body count.” It’s less than 10 in my 40’s. But I have had some 1+ year long dry spells that I would rather have filled with some sexual adventure. I’d honestly rather have regular great sex with a smaller number of women than less frequent, mostly meh sex with a lot of women. Let’s be real, hookups and condoms aren’t really that good.

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