is it looking like a human, or is it having human emotions, or is it it acting or behaving like a normal/average person would?

I am aware there is no rock-solid answer but I would like to see your views/perspective

  1. Creativity. The ability to think abstractly and creatively is what makes a human. That’s true intelligence is being able to think of something that doesn’t exist.

  2. Unfortunately it’s true that those of us who can’t act normal aren’t always seen as fully human.

    A lot of other bullshit reasons like race and gender are used to dehumanize people too.

  3. I guess in sense you have to accept many things while some people are kind and sweet, friendly, supportive and etc… They’re also some people who are Cruel, aggressive, violent, and etc.. to me when your a human it’s mean you haven’t abandoned your humanity.
    They’re humans, both people good or evil and no matter what you say or try to do you have to accept that. Just because you’ve become a ruthless cold hearted person it doesn’t mean your lost your humanity. Losing your humanity makes you something else entirely. While the cost of losing your humanity is extremely heavy and it’s not so simple either. But that’s a different topic someone to be considered human.

    I was gonna continue and explain blah blah and etc but I’m getting sleepy. Tag me in 8 hours if want me to continue. 💤💤💤

  4. I think since we’re not at a point where we’ve come across other off-world, intelligent species, our definition of what makes someone or something human is really a criteria for a level of self-awareness similar to our own as a baseline

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