Me and my fiancé have been engaged almost 2 years now and our priority is to buy a house rather then spend a deposit on a wedding. We have two young children, whom I’m dying to share a last name with. Do you think it’s weird to change my last name prior to getting married?

  1. No. You also could get married without a big ceremony. Do the paperwork now and have the party later. Yes some people will have issues with this but I honestly just wouldn’t tell them and they would probably have similar issues with you changing your name.

    Or do the paperwork now and plan a renewal ceremony for your 10 year anniversary. There’s no right way to get married and people will have opinions no matter what

  2. Do a small wedding, it only lasts for one day where the marriage should last a lifetime. Go ahead and change name legally for childrens sake and not look back. Use common logic on where and how to spend the money for what’s best for kids.

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