Hi f 24, I’m finally ready to have sex with a man I’ve found someone who fits my type in every way. I just need to meet up with them first to decide if I’m gonna through with having sex they want a friends with benefits situation so far they told me a lot about themselves before we’ve met up which is good and sent selfies of himself without hesitation and he’s not that far away from me. He seems from messaging that he seems to enjoy foreplay and understands how to be gentle considering I’m a virgin. I’m just wanting to know how to go about bringing him back my place like preferably mine because I’d feel more at ease instead of his. But I’m scared to be vocal during sex if that happens because of flatmates and it being my first time. I’ve officially gotten over this hurdle of being afraid of having sex with a guy and I’m really ready this time. I’m just worried about being taken advantage of and not having ever shown a guy my body naked I’m scared he might not like how I look naked how do I get out of my head?

  1. I used to get scared at first until I thought about it. The person I’m having sex with likes me, so what’s there to be scared of? Just let him know you’re a virgin though. Because it’s painful for chicks at first. Like I had sex with a 27 year old virgin girl when I was 19, and she was still in pain despite her age. That’s why I would hate being with a virgin girl because it’s like surgery, all delicate. No fun at all.

  2. You want to be free to moan and shout as you want, particularly on your first time. So perhaps his place (or neutral 3rd party ground like a hotel room) might be better than having your flat mates with ears against the walls. Don’t worry about your naked body… I’m sure you’re very sexy to him, hence his interest… women come in all shapes and sizes and we love to make love to them!

    In what way are you going to be taken advantage of? He knows you’re a virgin and he’s going to fuck you then drop you? That’s possible, but do you care? Aren’t you just looking at this for the sex rather than for anything long term? In which case, fuck away and experience all the things this man can do to your body.

    BTW, don’t build up your first time as too big a thing. It can be uncomfortable and awkward and might not all be fanfares and angels singing. And take lube!

  3. In terms of being worried about taken advantage of, remember to first and foremost trust your instincts. Be cautious and lookout for red flags. If he’s a genuine person and is just looking for a good time and will make sure you enjoy it and get off too (which he should, don’t let inexperience hold you back from making sure your needs are met), then make sure to make firm boundaries and be concise on expectations of how either causal things are of if you’re interested in having it go somewhere romantically.

    Be safe and have fun. Remember sex is a natural part of life, and it only gets better with practice. 😉

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