I moved to a new country for grad school where people speak English but with an accent that I’m not very used to. During group discussions in class there are 3 people who I can barely hear anything they say due to them speaking too softly or quickly and with the accent.

One of them is especially difficult to hear – even when we are only talking casually during lunch I could not make out the fully what she said, and only hear fragmented words and phrases. I have tried to ask her to repeat, but I can only do that so many times, and I don’t want to do it during class discussions and interrupting people’s train of thoughts. Some people did comment and ask if she could speak up a bit more, and when she did, others seemed to be able to finally understand her… except me. I leaned in, made eye contact, watched her lips as she spoke… still couldn’t hear. So it must be my problem.

This worries me for sevral reasons. First it makes me unable to communicate with these students, I couldn’t respond appropriately without hearing what was said. Being shy and having social anxiety have always made it hard for me to socialize but this situation has only made it worse not only in the casual setting but also in work and school settings.

What should I do now? Give up on understanding what these students say during class and only talk with the people who sit closer to me who I can hear? Or is there an honest but polite way to admit the problem I’m having so people don’t have questions about my quietness or seeming lack of interest?


1 comment
  1. “Hey, i’m new to this region, so i still have a harder time understanding the accent. Also, i have a bad hearing. Please be patient with me and don’t get offended if i don’t hear/understand what you are saying”.

    You could also ask the person to write some stuff down after you didn’t understand what have they repeated.

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