I’ve never been in a relationship outside of my wife. Lately its just been non stop explosive arguments, complimented by passive agressive coments and insults. She’s hinted at divorce/thinking we’re incompatible, and i’m thinking the same. We keep sitting down, talking it through, making up, just for her to make another passive agressive coment at me instead of just talking about things in a normal way. I dont think theres anything left to salvage at this point.

Im feeling pretty numb rn, what should i expect in the coming days/weeks/months? How do i know if im not going to regret this? Im just tired of feeling like constant garbage and i feel like my life recolves around trying to put out the fires in our relationship. I have no friends or family to speak of.

Thanks in advance

  1. Sounds like you both jumped into marriage far too young and inexperienced in the world. A divorce would be best for both of you. As to what to do after, you’ll have to put in work. Go to bars/social events that are open to the public. If you’re in school yet, you can make friends through your classes or clubs. If you have work colleagues around your age, you can invite them out to the bar or to your house to watch a sports game or something to get friendships going.

  2. 100% you need to get into individual therapy. If you do believe there’s nothing to salvage, start working on an exit plan and consult with divorce attorneys. If there *is* something to salvage, then you both need to meet with a couple counselor. Of course, that’s two sided, so even if you’re for it but they’re against it, it’s not going to work out and you should consult a divorce attorney. Please, though, don’t skip getting yourself into therapy.

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