So my bf (M21) and I (F20) have been together for a year now. He goes to college about an hour away from me, so he drives down to see me basically every weekend. He’s currently a 4th year and I’m a 3rd year. He just started school since he’s on the semester system and I start later bc I’m quarter.Anyway, he always tells me about the people he’s friends with and 99% of them are guys. Last year, he told me how he became friends with this girl and another guy in one of his classes because the Discord for his class had a few members that played Valorant together online and he joined in. I’m not a gamer so when he told me this I instantly felt a little threatened because first, he doesn’t really have any friends that are girls and second, she plays video games and I don’t so I’m scared that he thinks she’s better/more attractive than me in general :(. What irks me is that this girl has a short name that she goes by and everyone calls her that, but my bf also calls her by that name and I don’t like it. Like boy why can’t you just call her by her full name hello??????So in the past my bf told me how she asked him about his Valentine’s Day and he told her that he spent the day with his gf (me). Now idk if he was just trying to get a reaction out of me but he told me that her “demeanor” changed after he told her that he has a gf. She told him that she recently broke up with her bf bc he had anger issues or something idrc but main point is that she’s single.Flash forward to this year, my bf just started school and he doesn’t have any classes with her, but we were on ft and he told me how he ran into the girl from his class last year. THEN HE PROCEEDED TO TELL ME THAT THEY WERE GONNA GET LUNCH TOGETHER. She asked him how his summer was and he told her that he spent a lot of time with his gf (me) and that he just celebrated his one year with her (me). She said “that’s nice”. And then my bf told me that the first thing he mentioned was his gf (me) so it’s very clear that he is taken and I hope that girl knows that. Anyway, I asked him whether they were gonna get lunch alone and he said that another guy was gonna join so I was a bit more relieved since it’s a group thing. My bf later told me he has this girl’s number, which I tried to rationalize cuz like ok if they were gonna plan a hang out how would they communicate, so whatever. But at the same time, I DON’T WANT HIM TEXTING HER OR ANY GIRL PERIOD.Knowing me, I like to look into things. So I think I found this girl’s instagram and tiktok and she’s definitely pretty, so I feel a bit threatened. I don’t know if it’s 100% that girl from my bf’s class but i’m 99% sure. My question is, do I have the right to feel suspicious? Are there any warning signs I should be aware of? How do I bring this up to him? What do I do?
TL;DR My bf (M21) is getting lunch in a group setting with a female classmate that he gamed with previously. I need advice on dealing with feeling threatened.

  1. get therapy. increase your self esteem. learn what healthy boundaries look like bc they shouldnt resemble control. you either trust your bf to have female friends or you dont, and if you cant trust him, then you shouldnt be in a relationship

  2. Oh no! Lunch?!?! Everyone knows that lunch spots are notorious for customers having sex on the tables before the food even arrives!!

    Seriously though, he’s allowed to have friends, and even (shock horror) eat with those friends while they chat and catch up. I’m sure you also sometimes have lunch with people, and text people, and it doesn’t mean that you want to betray your boyfriend. Part of life is accepting that the people you care about have other people in their lives, and that you have to let them spend time with other people without freaking out at them. Chill.

  3. No, none of this sounds suspicious. It’s fine to have a friend, to have lunch with that friend, to have that friend’s phone number, and to call that friend by their preferred name. No matter what that friend’s gender is.

    This is work you need to do on yourself, not any problem with your boyfriend.

  4. Lordy, he’s being upfront and honest with you about her, and he’s made it abundantly clear to this girl he has a long term girlfriend he is committed to. You need to trust your boyfriend. Even if this girl is interested in him, trust that he will turn down any advances and be honest with you about it.



    How is this not your problem to manage?

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