I’m 17F and as the title says, I really struggle to start and hold any sort of conversation. I have like one good friend and that’s about it, and since its my final year of school there is barely any opportunity for me to make new friends since everyone has their own groups by now.

Whenever I’m in a social situation, my mind just goes blank and it often ends up as awkward silence, which is just painful and I feel like a bad friend every time it happens. I just cant think of anything to talk about besides small talk, school or like news/gossip and, my friend isnt interested in books or gaming which is basically all my hobbies. I try to get her to lead the conversation but she’s kind of as awkward as me so it’s going nowhere.

I’ve also noticed her slowly starting to drift away into another friend group, which I don’t mind at all but I just can’t bring myself to talk to anyone from that group since they’re all very extroverted and have kn own each other for years, so Id feel really out of place just kind of butting in, plus theyre a mixture of queer, musical, drama and artsy kids which is the opposite of me so idk… Pls help 🙁

1 comment
  1. Don’t be afraid to talk to people who have opposite hobbies/lifestyle compared to you, they might still share the same views or philosophy as you. As for conversation, listen to what they are saying while making eye contact so they know you’re paying attention, then ask questions about the thing they talked about or try to relate it to yourself and share that with them.

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