Woman who have had short hairstyles, does it really take as much styling as people say? How did it feel to make the big chop? πŸ˜…

  1. I went from hair long enough to sit on to a bob just under my ears. It felt so light and free, and washing/drying my hair took less than half the time.

    As far as styling, I went out of my way to get a cut that compliments my natural hair texture. I rarely β€œstyle” my hair aside from a half updo. If I wanted to straighten my hair, it takes way less time and effort, but again I don’t bother often.

  2. I had hair almost down to my ass and chopped it to a cute Bob. The chop felt great because I hadn’t really paid attention to my hair and had it in a bun most of the time – it was all scraggly and had a ton of split ends, it wasn’t healthy growth. Felt immediately better.

    It doesn’t take much styling. I wash it, throw in some curling product (my hair is curly when it’s short! Who knew!) and call it a day. Looks cute and I love it.

  3. I had a pixie cut for a while, and yeah, it needed a lot of styling. I had to style it every day for it to look good, whereas with long hair, I can just brush it and I’m good. I also had to get haircuts every three weeks for my pixie cut to look good, and even then, there was always an awkward week/half-week where it would look shaggy. I loved the physical sensation of having less hair but wouldn’t cut it that short again. Styling, upkeep, and growing it back out sucked.

  4. Had long ass hair, chopped to my chin on one side, and have a tomboyish pixie cut on the other. Soooooo much easier to deal with. I just comb the shorter side, and apply different ointments to the longer side to maintain shape and frizz. Brush here and there and its fine. I hated long hair for the maintenance, and now Im free. πŸ™‚ i have pretty thick hair though so any time I get my hair cut/thinned is a huge relief.

  5. For me it doesn’t cause on a daily basis most people don’t have the motivation to actually style their hair differently, it’s 24/7 except on occasion the exact same style so yep besides brushing your hair like any other length it don’t change much. Then when it comes to the big chop I didn’t really think much of it, my hair needed it so I was more anticipating it to grow back.

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