what’s your guilty weird pleasure?

  1. Making comments purposely to ruffle the feathers of progressive feminists. For example, my daughter blew the head gasket on her car, she is 36 never married I don’t need no man type of person. Naturally she can’t afford another car, and she afford 100.00 plus an hour shop labor fee at an auto repair shop, so she brings the broken car to dad. Naturally I could not resist saying things like “yea, the future is female”, “who don’t need no man?’ she knows it is good natured teasing but some do not take it that way.

  2. Vanilla ice cream, strawberry jam and crackers. Yes, regular cream crackers. I like sweet and savory stuff together.

  3. Blue cheese, strait outa the package, with the rind intact and all. I just scarf it down like a quick snack.

  4. The only reason I go to Walmart to do the grocery shopping is I usually buy a fishing lure every time I go. Idk if my wife knows or not.

  5. Cottage cheese with Mrs. Dash (the original blend). Mix it together, add a little salt, eat. It’s good with potato chips, too.

  6. Well-made children’s shows. I’m a 47 year old man and I could watch Bluey or Infinity Train or Puppycat or Gravity Falls (etc, etc) all day, every day.

  7. not weird but smoking(feel quite guilty for it sometimes). It’s shit for my physical health but great for my mental health. Makes college somewhat bearable. And also eating a whole bag of shredded cheese with a spoon

  8. Getting really high or drunk and just lay up in the bed like the slovenly piece of shit I am.

  9. I eat with my bare hands, and it isnā€™t even a part of my culture. The food taste better and I donā€™t have to wash my spoons after I eat. I _always_ wash my hands vigorously before and after I eat because of slight OCD, so it works out.

  10. Anything cinnamon sugar, cinnamon sugar pretzels, cinna stix with frost dipping sauce, etc.. My sweet tooth is a mad man

  11. “girly” music. I’ll listen to all the standard “guy” rock, but sometimes I just want to crank the radio up and sing my heart out to All You Wanted by Michelle Branch, or something else that will equally jeopardize my “man card”.

  12. I enjoy fucking with debt collectors. Get them all excited that im going to pay off the entire debt and then after 20 minutes of going through the process and hyping them up I go ā€œHa! Gotcha bitch. Iā€™m still brokeā€ click.

  13. Boogers I pick, which when removed, feel like they are wrapped around my brain 3 times, and make me feel like it’s the first time I’ve ever inhaled through that nostril.

  14. I actually enjoy having a bath. I mean a REAL bath: Flower petals, candles, calm music and/or a book.

  15. Mimicking sounds i hear, its kinda tharaputic for me. Shit can live rent free in my head for months if I miss an opportunity to mimic a funny sound due to professional environment or something.

  16. I binge watch paranormal shit, even that faggot Zak and I’ve watched every episode of Mountain Monsters at least three times and Wild Bill still makes me chuckle

  17. Jumping in rain puddles. But people give me weird looks so I usually go to the local cemetery because there’s usually no one ever there. Also the concrete isn’t well maintained so there’s a bunch of spots that are huuuuuge.

  18. Guilty because I’m sure it is evidence I’m genuinely weird but I love looking through the glass window in the washing machine as the clothes get washed. I really have to pull myself away I find it insanely therapeutic and soothing.

  19. I have the entire Warner Brothers DVD library. I am a grown man and I will pop one in whenever I need to. The simplicity of it. The timeless humor. I will not stop watching them ever.

  20. Hands down drinking 100% apple cider vinegar. As a kid I noticed it made my throat bleed. Now I only have a shot occasionally and wash it down with water so the acid doesnā€™t hurt as muchā€¦ it just isnā€™t the same if itā€™s diluted.

  21. I like being pinched. My 2 year old son would pinch my arms to help him go to sleep . And I noticed he would do it before bed it got to the point where I went to be pinched all the time lol

  22. Sometimes when i’m alone after eating i lick the plate in Case i left some sauce around it. Man i’m not throwing this way, this sauce is money šŸ˜‚

  23. Way back, I used to work nights and would get sucked into Lifetime made for tv movies. Treat Williams was never who he appeared to be. Valerie Bertanelli was clearly old wnough to know better, and Merideth Baxter Bernie tried to warn her.

  24. The twilight movies.

    I fucking love films that are bad in funny and cringey ways wand The twilight saga is the absolute peak of that kinda film

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