So I ( 22m ) started working at our family essentials shop out of Tennessee and this coffee barista used to be a regular at our shop. Although she is a regular, I met her only a few times since we work in shifts on different days.

One of the first times we chatted, she mentioned where she worked and I mentioned that I loved coffee and look forward to checking out the place. She told me when she would be available next at the cafe and that I could drop by and she will be happy to help.

I did visit the cafe a few weeks later, ( cause I love me some coffee ) and although I saw her there, we didn’t speak at the shop ( I would not like to occupy people at their place of work ). I enjoyed my coffee and paid at the counter and left.

I met her again at our shop over a month later, and the first thing she mentioned was that she had been looking for me, and that she noticed that I visited her cafe and she reminded me of the drink I had ordered. We chatted for 40 mins, ( she came in when one customer left and left when another came in ) and she asked about everyone working in the shop and how much she liked them. She mentioned she was leaving town, and the weekend is gonna be her last day of work. She told that I could grab free drinks at her shake shop and she asked for a piece of paper. She then proceeded to write her schedule, some hearts, her number and a note to text her before she leaves and her date of leaving.

Never one to refuse a free coffee, I did take up her offer and visited the cafe with a friend of mine. I shot a quick text to her beforehand to make sure she was available. I got the free coffees ( one for my friend as well ), at the drive way and we did say hi to one another but she didn’t talk much. I thanked her and left.

Upon our way back, I narrated the events to my friend and he goes “ Bro, I think she was asking you out …” and the moment the realization dawned of that possibility , I feel a little horrible honestly 😅 . Do you think this was romantically motivated or a purely platonic gesture and am I an asshole to have treated her this way ?

PS : I know this is long, but being brought up pretty isolated in my childhood, I am not good at wrappings my head around these things, but I would love to learn 🙂

1 comment
  1. There was clear interest because she gave you her number. Where you messed things up is keeping things platonic. You basically are keeping yourself at the “friend zone”. Text her out and see how it goes!

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