Men in their 30’s – where are you in your life right now in terms of money, job, family, happiness?

  1. Money: Comfortable

    Job: stable, well-paying. Happy with where I am in my career but I was never a ladder-climber.

    Family: widowed before having kids but close with my siblings and nieces/nephews on both sides

    Happiness: happy enough, I’d say more content than happy

  2. Almost 30. I am still trying to get a career because I academically failed professional school. Everything else is down the drain.

  3. * **Money**: I make more money than I need, so I’m investing for retirement with a Roth IRA, and I can buy myself nice things.
    * **Job**: I have a good job.
    * **Family**: My mother is OK, but romantically no one is interested in me.
    * **Happiness**: I’m trying to accept my faults and be happy with them BEFORE fixing stuff. I think that if I first fix stuff then I will never learn the lesson.

  4. Money: pretty much broke and almost maxed out on credit card limit, probably going to be homeless again soon

    Job: working a dead end data entry job I’m barely able to keep thanks to collapsing physical and mental health, so I feel stuck here and always on the precipice of losing it, so finding another one seems impossible.

    Family: none. Family is all dead or estranged, no partner or kids.

    Happiness: I mean, it should be fairly obvious because of this post and my username, but no, not even close. I’ve largely given up on the idea of happiness, fulfilment, what have you – that’s something for other people.

  5. Savings ran out after I was laid off during the pandemic. Spent it all just trying to survive while jobless. Career still not back on track since then. Haven’t been making enough money to save and have maxed out credit cards now. Boyfriend died suddenly, so I’m single again. Yeah… all that stability people talk about having in their 30s, I have none of that. Did not expect life to be anything like this at 35. Still finding ways to be happy with the help of antidepressants. Hope everything turns around someday soon.

  6. Money – I get by. I don’t lack for anything essential. If I was given a raise, I wouldn’t complain *heh heh*

    Job – I like it. I don’t know if I will stick with my specific role, but I plan to continue a career in the field.

    Family – I spent my teens and early 20s going through the “sort” of which family members were worth keeping in my life, unfortunately. I’m on the other side of that and feel comfortable with my decisions. If you mean a wife and kids, I am not seeking those.

    Happiness – comes and goes. Overall, it’s a higher tide than it has been in other parts of life.

  7. 32.
    Money – decent. Found a career i enjoy and pays well enough to pay for my hobbies while also putting down towards debt.
    Job is good i work in construction so it is fairly taxing on the body but at the end of the day i feel like i make progress and seeing the end of a project is great.
    Family is to be desired. I am closest with my siblings while keeping my parents at a distance because of the life i had growing up.
    Happiness is also to be desired. Ive recently quit smoking weed on a daily basis. So im going through changes that are making things more difficult, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  8. I’m happy. Decent job, don’t have much saved up compared to my peers but it pays the bills. I’m in a relationship with an amazing woman. Plan to marry her soon. So overall I’m doing great, nothing to complain about other than money

  9. Own a house with a 3000 a month mortgage.

    Earning about 4000 a month after tax. My wife used to make 4500 a month but is currently on maternity leave. She is still getting money coming in, but not as much.

    Got about 20 000 in the bank and 90 000 in my retirement fund.

    Just had my 1st baby girl. 13 days old and doing well.

    I’m super tired but super happy.

  10. Unhappy with all the above. I keep trying to improve on what I can. That’s when shit goes wrong, though

  11. 33.

    Newly single for about 3 weeks.

    I see happiness on the horizon. Not too worried. Shit just sucks rn, but life is good.

    Financially I’m broke, but there’s a lot to that too. Starting over completely. It’ll be fine. I have a six figure career and just started a job this week where I take home 2500/wk. full benifits. (Union Pipefitter)

    Family is good. Drove three hours this weekend just to be at my moms and kick it with them. Job is close enough to make those trips on time off.

    That about covers it. I have a solid outlook on life, which I’m happy about because the past few weeks have been an emotional shitshow for me. Hella progress. Relationship was toxic, abusive, all that. It’s gonna be okay.

  12. Finally paid off my debt (credit card and my hospital bill). I have no family of my own, but live at home with my mom to keep her company and to help her out as she’s 72.


    Not sure where I am for happiness. I’ve been working on myself a lot in the last year.

    Started Walking 10k steps every other day.

    Cut out drinking energy drinks, sticking to coffee only.

    Got Rid of amazon prime, started to go to stores instead and if I couldn’t find it there i would not buy it.

    Quit Impuslive purchases on shit i didn’t actually need because i have the same thing or similar at home already.


    I’m just lonely now that I’ve been working on myself lately and noticed i’ve never really done th is since my dad died 10 years ago.

  13. Happily married, two young kids, and running a successful cybersecurity firm that makes a very healthy amount of money. I’m doing alright for myself

  14. Money: enough for my lifestyle

    Job: don’t really care for it but it pays the bills

    Family: 33 year old virgin with no brothers or sisters

    Happiness: I’m still alive

  15. Money: At the moment, I don’t need to pinch pennies, but I am most definitely not making what I thought I’d be making/hoped to be making at this point.

    Job: *Entry* level position. Yeah, entry. Did Grad School + Post Doc, but my career path swerved after that, putting me in my current sitch.

    Family: Just moved back home to be close to Mom/Dad and siblings. No romantic life to speak of whatsoever.

    Happiness: A fairy tale. I’m “at peace” and there are times I’m happy (like when I’m spending time with family), but my life is a far cry from where I thought it would be. And more than that, it’s now completely lacking in direction. Not a recipe for happiness.

  16. Starting over at 37 after break up and realizing I am leading a life I never wanted but felt I was supposed to follow.

  17. Age: 34

    Money: earn 45k

    Job: Stable manager job in NHS

    Family: 1 toddler and lovely wife.

    Happiness: Very content

  18. Money: Enough

    Job: Great. Good WLB. Underpaid for what it is, but it has its perks.

    Family: Widowed w/ a kid, which is terrible. No contact w/ parents. Have friend around the world who are like family. I’m very lucky with friends.

    Happiness: Still working through the loss of the wife. Kid and work and friends are all doing well. I’m just learning to get through this and be a good dad and honor the wife’s wishes.

  19. I’m almost 30. I’m single with no kids. I sacrificed most of my 20s to be where I’m at now career-wise. I didn’t travel or party much while all my friends did. I’m currently looking at vice-president roles in private equity and alternative investments. Money wise I’m content although more money never hurts.

    I’m very close with my family but my friendships and relationships have suffered over the years. I’m trying to find more of a balance as my work hours progressively get more manageable. I’d say I’m pretty happy at the moment. I’m proud of my accomplishments.

  20. 35
    Money-great, can clear 200k a year with a small amount of overtime throughout the year, no debt other than a very affordable mortgage

    Job-as secure as it can get in my career, I’m immune the the rules of a layoff and in a very low physical impact trade.

    Family-awful, I rarely see them, they rarely call, I have involvement about 1/100 of what I wish I had with my own family, it’s like they never wanted me around and the minute I moved out after high school everyone scattered and only calls when they feel bad they haven’t in a while, I have a failed marriage, a recent failed engagement, no kids

    Happieness-im wildly unhappy, lonely, depressed, and considered suicide quite frequently for the last 10 years, I don’t really think I’ll ever get there because I’m hopeful that I can have a family of my own in time and some of the things I wish I had in my life will maybe find their way to me but to be very honest I often feel like it’s just an escape from a bad situation and knowing it’s always an option is more comforting than what I’m living with. I do my best to maintain friendships, and have a social life but it’s difficult, I don’t suspect any of my friends would ever guess I’m as depressed as I really am.

  21. 37M. Amazing career. Make more money than I need. Fitter than I ever was. I have a great girlfriend, which is all that I wanted in terms of family life. Doesn’t feel like I’m winning but clearly I am by my standards.

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