The situation is quite complex. I find happiness in my current relationship, but I can’t help but compare it to my previous one. Sometimes, when we engage in activities I’m not accustomed to, doubts arise, and I contemplate breaking up. We’ve been together for almost two years now, and there are moments when I question my happiness and entertain the idea of ending the relationship, only for us to reconcile after a fight.

I realize that I should find contentment in our relationship, but is that enough? Perhaps I truly love her, as I often find myself making sacrifices and doing things I couldn’t do in my past relationship. Yet, there are moments when I become frustrated and dwell on my unhappiness. Strangely, when it seems like our relationship is falling apart, my feelings for her intensify, and I want her even more.

What should I do in this situation? Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, I don’t know if I want to proceed with this relationship if it means potentially sacrificing some of my happiness in life. However, I also don’t want to have regrets about what might have been if it turned out to be an amazing relationship.

  1. It’s not enough, if you’re not all in, be all out. Single should be the default, why stay with the wrong person?

  2. Professional support will help you to explore your ambivalence and perspective. Just remember, you are in control of your happiness, not her. Also, no one wants regrets but we only have one life so its about living it to the fullest. You are not in the same place as your past relationship, so comparing apples to oranges is useless. Grass is greener where you water it

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