What’s your reaction when you see a very handsome man in the street?

  1. I think, wow, that guy’s good looking, and then I imagine how tired he must get of all the classless broads who probably drool over him everywhere he goes, and feel bad for him

  2. I’ll do a little “mm, that’s nice” nod with a full on frown on my face then go about my day.

  3. I have no reaction. I keep walking. Handsome men or pretty women won’t stop me in my tracks.

  4. I look around and wonder if women are noticing him and he’s living a semi charmed life or if I guessed wrong. I’m not confident I know what is really a 10/10 head turner, but I wish I could spot it. Such a mystery.

  5. I usually say, “Damn bro, you’re caked up…no homo”. In earnest, I don’t really react. A very handsome guy knows he’s handsome, and he doesn’t need my validation.

  6. That he mogs me to oblivion and that women are actually attracted to him and women aren’t attracted to me.

    I’m jealous that I’m not as attractive or tall as the handsome man

  7. Very brief intrusive thought of smashing his beautiful face in, before I settle on feeling extra suicidal for the next minute or next 5 minutes.

  8. Meh.

    I have been genuinely surprised by what went find attractive these days that I don’t care anymore.

  9. As a 20yr old female, I find most (emphasis on most) men a few years older than me (like 22-27) very handsome. Wish men approached more often. I also wish men knew how handsome they really are. 9 times out of 10, when a guy thinks he isn’t cute, he most definitely is to me and all my girl friends.

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