My wife and I showered before sex last night and I pulled out the lingerie box and surprised her with some lace crotchless panties I bough for her to wear. She chose not to, so I put them on myself right then and there and she hummed and hawed about how sexy I was. This was new, me in women’s sexy wear. She ran her fingers along the lace and held onto them while we played. Do I take this as she wants more surprises like this? Maybe a lace robe? I am game if she is! Also, I will flat out ask her again, but she is super shy about asking for anything; very subordinate in bed.

  1. Check out sexy underwear for men. They have all types with holes in front, back, g strings, pouches. Fun

  2. Sounds fun! Explore it! Lace Robe, suspenders, undies. Get something for each of you that matches, perhaps?

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