I’m a pretty attractive guy, I’m 26, work in a trade full time. I just recently moved in with some friends, we are all around the same age, and all work in trades. My roommate and I both use dating apps and we’re both attractive young fit guys. I’ve had some very limited success with apps, never successfully initiated a hookup or ONS tho. Roommate on the other hand seems like he’s always got someone on the go. I have guy friends who get hundreds of matches, so much so that they get overwhelmed.
I guess I’m just trying to figure out what they are doing that I’m not.
I’m not looking for anything super serious, and I primarily use these apps to try and get hookups, which I know isn’t the original point, but I know people successfully initiate hookups on dating apps all the time so I know people who want that are there, but it seems like if I’m straight up and put in my bio that I just wanna be fwb or no strings attached, I get hardly any matches. So I guess for guys who successfully hook up with chick’s on dating apps, what am I doing wrong?

  1. “Don’t show your cards before the game begins” im guessing that your friends dont put in their bio “ i just wanna have sex” you can make it clear later that you just want gis but before all that you gotta let them be a little interested

  2. If you really can’t figure out why, on your own you will never be able to pick up woman Lol Jesus christ asking people how to pick woman isn’t going to help you.

  3. You got professional pictures on your profile? Hiring a photographer can put you on another level.

    But also delete the part about FWB and no strings. If you really want to match with girls, you gotta let them think there’s a chance you could actually date. If you tell them that on the app they will automatically disqualify you. Wait to tell them in person, when they’ve seen your personality and actually got a little connection. Then they get to choose if they want to still see you in a casual setting or if they are interested in looking for other options.

  4. You aren’t as attractive as you think. That is basically the prerequisite to use apps in that manner.

  5. You are attractive, but you don’t look full of life in your pictures, and if your pictures are anything like the pictures on your dating app, this might be your problem.

    For example:

    – [Michael Anthony](https://instagram.com/anubace?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) is always smiling in his videos. He’s hot and charismatic. He looks like someone you want to get to know.

    – [Jason Diaz](https://instagram.com/thejasondiaz?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) is another attractive man who’s full of life. He’s fun and looks approachable.

    Then you have guys who are hot but come across as douchebags:

    – [Jake Boffman](https://instagram.com/jakeboffman?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) is attractive but he’s too focused on his looks for women to find him attractive.

    – [Carlos San Juan](https://instagram.com/carlos.sanjuan9?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) is another man who’s attractive but women won’t find attractive, because he comes across as a narcissist.

    Looks wise, the first two men are slightly less attractive—and I mean, very, very slightly—than the last two guys, but the first two guys probably get more women, because they’re more than just their looks; they have radiant personalities, something your pictures lack!!

    If you want to attract more women, focus on being more bubbly. Women love men with personalities.

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