
  1. Overall unhealthy in the sense of self obsession, attention addiction, unkindness, and empathy reduction. It’s also done a number on communication and mental health.

    You can apply that to either side.

    No distinction necessary.

  2. Women are addicted to the attention they receive on social media

    Men only use social media to pick up women or work.

  3. Bad, generally for both. I think women more than men, as men tend to be exposed to reality a lot more past their screen and compare what they see on social media to reality. One can tend to look at the things they see and think that’s reality. News flash people, what people present on their social media profiles is a cultivated image and not reality. Not to mention it makes it pretty easy to follow/see celebrity profiles which just amps up the distortion of reality. If that’s what you follow all the time, that’s going to become a perception of what is “normal” instead of seeing how regular people around you live.

    Add the attention and validation dynamic that it fosters and it just tears down people’s mental health. They need to stay on their phones and get addicted to it and it just rips the mood of those on it apart. Starting with social media from a young age just removes any hope that they self-actualize themselves independent of what others think of them and cultivate their own self-identity and image. I read in a number of sources how people in their 20’s might as well be carbon copies of one another and present themselves in exactly the same ways. It creates sheeple or NPCs in the end.

    Add to that the dynamics behind human greed and competition. This extends more to content creators but anyone else that does social media (even here). There’s always the drive or thirst to get likes and subscribers. This particular attention and validation dynamic drives people to try to throw out more sensationally racy or vile content so they get clicks and watches. It just brings out the worst in people, and I get it as a content creator myself (off and on). You put work on the content, you want people to see it and like it! It just gets rough to see people fall into that craven depraved general outlook of “anything for a view, anything for a like” that so many content creators tend to fall into after a while, especially when you see the nasty results of it.

    Add to that the general lack of intelligent thought (and moral thought) it also fosters. I call Facebook Arsebook for a reason for what I often see on there out of people. If you friend people you know, you do find out pretty quickly their general character. It’s not a stretch that when you expose yourself to dumb material that you’re going to become like that after a while and be encouraged into following after that trend instead of working to push yourself higher. Most people would be better off by using that time to delve into classic literature or study some discipline or something – basically stuff that’s genuinely intellectually stimulating and makes you a better person. Or work out. Or a number of other things. A rule of life is that you really do have to work against the tide to get yourself to a better version of yourself, and a lot of the material you see there just discourages that.

    Add onto that the dynamic that happens with all content creators of dehumanization – in other words, people can’t seem to see past a screen name and see a real human being there. Hence, I see people treating people online rather horribly. I have to ask if people treat people they deal with the same in reality as they do online, or if they would but it’s just inhibited by the thought that they can get real social consequence if they *were* to treat people that way. But yeah, my opinion in general of humans went down considerably once I got on social media platforms just a little bit.

    Of course, a lot of this also applies to the wider popular Internet as it’s always existed.

    Edit: Added content creator like/subscribe/friend count, etc point.

  4. It depends on the type of content the individual consumes. If a person chases content that shits on men or women, it will impact them negatively. If a person chases content that gives them tips on healthy communication, good gift giving, wholesome couple content, healthy dieting, getting in good physical shape, then it will impact them positively. Or they can use it to support their leisure activities like hiking, cooking, traveling, etc. It’s all dependent on how the person uses it.

  5. I think social media just drove genders even further apart. Each gender hates eachother and each gender blames eachother for all the problems in the current dating trends. It’s just all us vs them.

  6. Anyone who has been influenced at all by social media is an idiot, basically by definition. If you don’t have the strength of character to simply live your own life without showing off to others or letting other people tell you what to do/think/wear/whatever then that’s a problem and you probably shouldn’t go online at all. Applies to men and women equally.

  7. I think both are just causing problems, and creating even more division between genders. Just reading some of the shit regurgitated by people here that they clearly got from echo chambers is astounding. Just hurling stats around so they can be seen as victims and using the same stats as everyone else to argue about gender, it’s disgusting. Social media really has damaged a lot of people

  8. It’s sad, and exhausting to see just how much social media misinformation is pitting men and women against each other.

  9. I’ve found that social media tends to bring out the worst in people in general. For instance, doing or saying things on social media rarely has repercussions beyond being muted or banned.

    An example. Someone can make a death threat or call for death on social media, whether it be political or just some dude who was turned down… And rarely will they get in trouble for it.

    However, if someone were to make a death threat in real life… It would be surprise if a fight didn’t breakout at a minimum. Whether or not it was a girl or a guy.

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